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Gaming Update

Hey, just a quick gaming update.

PS3: Im still playing black ops I want to prestige one more time. Once i have prestiged again then i will start to play killzone 3 wich I have been dying to play. Little Big planet 2 im still working away at. I want to get bulletstorm and crysis 2 for PS3 aswell.

Wii: I got the 25th aniversary mario edition game a while ago so im playing retro. Epic mickey is taking up a few of my hours so im just trying to get through that.Mario kart I went back on to get ready for mario kart 3DS.

PSP: Im still playing fifa 11 ( review will come soon) I also tried Gran Turismo again amd had some fun.

Thats pretty much it I really want portal 2 and virtua tennis 4 wich are coming soon.