I took my dog Kylie who's a little tri coloured sheltie for a walk. The whole walk was fine and normal til we reached my street. My shoelace came untied. So with a few fingers on the leash i attempted to tie my shoes and hold on to my dogs leash which i thought was easily possible. Than i was just finishing when a car whizzed by me and my dog made a lunge towards it I couldnt react fast enough. She than started sprinting after the car and she was running right down the middle of the road. I than also jumped in the middle of the road and started chasing her. There were cars honking at me and they were scaring my dog so she kept running. I chased her for 6 blocks yelling at her to stop and her barely dodging on coming traffic along with myself. EVentually she got tired and I caught up picked her up and walked the rest of the way home. I was beyond worried I thought she was going to die right in front of me at the age of 1. I am extremely lucky and i am more than grateful that she is perfectly fine.