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June gaming update 2011

Hey guys Junes been a pretty good gaming month. Ive played a ton of games here is what ive benn playing....

PS3: I got escelation for black ops so I got back into black ops again the maps are really good and call of the dead is amzing it may be the best part of black ops itself. NHL 11 ive benn winning the stanley cup wiith different teams and trying to get some more trophies. InFamous my free game i love it so far im not that far into it but I love it. Great action great story and sick moves. Little big planet 2 is amazing the online levels are amazing and the story levels are fun to play over.

Wii: My wii hasnt had that much use this month the on ly thing I can remember playing was Conduit 2. Conduit 2 is really fun Im about halfway through I really like it ill write a review when im finished. Thats actually all for wii this month.

DS: I got phantom hourglass and plants vs zombies this month and I am really enjoying them both. If you don't have either of these games get them there some of the best games the ds has to offer.

PSP: I havent played it at all this month. I want the vits so badly.

Ipod: Icebreaker hockey a great game get it same with Battlefield bad company 2 ipod version its actually pretty fun.

Thats all for June hope you guys enjoy your gaming!