Xbox 360s are in the wrong hands.
by SuperGo0ber on Comments
Last month on November 22 xbox 360 was launched. Thousands of people stood outside in the cold of bestbuys, walmarts, and ToysRUS to get one. But they didnt know there was only about 20 systems in each store, and half was the core packs. Lots of people went home empty handed and had mixed reactions. The people who got lucky and got one, well some of them went home and opened and started to play , while (most of the others) had something else on there minds. The (most of the others) got greedy and started to sell there xbox 360 for thousands of dollars! The (most of the others) are trying to take advantages of people that are dresspret to get a 360 by selling is for double the price. I found out away how you can get a xbox 360 without paying extra or standing out in the cold. THE EASY WAY TO GET A XBOX 360 IS TO WAIT!!! That is the easy way out! I know its hard to grasp that you will have to wait till next year to get one. But you need to open your eyes and see thats its not worth to tourcher yourself by waiting outside in line or paying extra. The place where I buy games has a shelf of xbox 360 games, and the other side of the shelf were xbox1 games. I thought i was getting an xbox 360 and always looked at the shelf with the 360 games only thinking of what games to buy. As days went by, i didnt get an 360. But i still just looked at the 360 games only. Then finally i turned around and looked at the xbox1 games. I was shocked at what i saw. I saw Prince of Persia 3, Half Life 2, Star Wars BF2, King Kong, NFS:most wanted, Far Cry, Battlefield2:modern combat, Americas Army, and other new games. I went back home to see my list of XB games Compatable with 360 list, i was suprised that most of the newer games for the xbox1 werent compatable. Then I finaly realised that my old xbox in the closet wasent dead. It was very much alive because of all the really good games that just came out. When a next gen system comes out, people think there current gen system are old and no more good games will come out for it. In some cases that is true, but the xbox1 is still running and just released a good batch of games for the holadays.