Super Mario is one of the greatest franchises in gaming. Why, then, is it that Mario is the laughing stock of electronic entertainment? I have asked many that question, and, the most common answer seems to be, "he just looks stupid". Although this is, in my opinion, an insufficient reason to dislike the man who has dominated the industry for two thirds of its existince, the haters do have a point, and Super Mario Bros. Wii is only going to make them hate the franchise even more. To those who are shaking their heads in disagreement right now, I ask you this: do you really want Mario in his adorable little penguin suit up for all to see on your widescreen TV, or his shrieking voice coming out of your surround sound system?
This brings me to another point I want to make: why is this game on the Wii in the first place? Wouldn't you agree that, in this day and age, the 2D platformer is more natural on a handheld? The sheer number of like games on the Wii is a testament to how primitive it is. Not only that, but the multiplayer, which Mr. Miyamoto says the game will be built around, would make much more sense on the DS. Each player has his/her own screen, meaning less chaos and confusion. If you've ever played Super Smash Bros., you know that having a bunch of stuff bouncing around the screen, causing clouds of dust to erupt, multicolored, Marvel-style explosions, and, more importantly, events that will affect the game's outcome, all on one screen can make a game difficult to keep track of.
That's not to say that I'm not glad that a new Mario platformer is coming out. I have recently renewed my love of Super Mario World, and I am itching for another side-scroller, with better level design and more efficient implementation of secret goals than New Super Mario Bros. And, although as I said before it could get a bit chaotic, the multiplayer mode still looks like a brilliant addition, and should please fans of Four Swords(such as myself).
Anyway, those are, if you haven't already noticed, my thoughts on Super Mario Bros. Wii.
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