I suffered in the stands of Cleveland Browns stadium for 8 years, until I couldn't take it any longer and gave up my season tickets. I'd take Thigpen over Delhomme for the reason you mentioned, he's past his prime. I definately agree that Wallace isn't the solution. Thigpen and a spread would be a better bet. I still think we have a descent O-Line albeit filled with young potential like Mack and Thomas(well Joe has proven himself). The recievers are still young with Massaquio and Robiskie, but I don't think either of them are a consistant threat. Robiskie could become a good slot type, and Massaquio has shown flashes of being a deep threat, but we'll see how they develop.
Kimbo is right. American games historically don't sell as well in Japan as they do here. Since were arguing about FF, they even released Final Fantasy Mystic Quest which was targeted(however poorly) at the American gamer. I don't remember if it's true or not, but I think they just called Final Fantasy USA in Japan. As far as the ratings go, I think you can say the topic about any review site. I've played games that are rated 9's and hated them, and played games critics give a 4 or 5 and think they were great. A lot of it is personal preference, but if it's a Japanese game review site, I can see how it got such a high rating. Almost every American game review site hands out high scores to the American flagship games when they don't always deserve them.
Frosty I don't know that they would need to trade for someone to run a gimmick offense. If they want to go that route, well they have Seneca Wallace as a scrambling type quarterback and they could increase Joshua Cribbs' role with running more wildcat. Thigpen would be a more solid NFL type qb than Wallace, but I'm sure they could run some crazy stuff with Wallace and Cribbs on the field. Well, at least in theory.
I just read something about Mayweather lying about his association with a guy involved in a Vegas shooting. Interested to see what happens with that. Anyway, I too think that Pacman would take down Mayweather, and that he knew it. He was trying to catch an edge and throw Manny off his routine. I don't know if you can blame the guy though, underdogs look for an edge wherever they can get it. For those saying Pacman is on something and he didn't want to get tested, well I can't completely so that he isn't because I don't know they guy. If Mayweather's camp had come up with something better than Olympic drug testing I might be more suspicious. The fact is that under these types of testing, either fighter can be tested at any time, up to the morning of the fight. Someone else made a great point that Manny has never failed a drug test, and that they both have jumped up a lot in weight classes.
Crisis Core, that's it. I felt the same way about Sephiroth and him being overrated til I played through that as well. IX was good, but I think it's like the forgotten similar to VIII. Everyone thinks of VII and X. IX gets it a little more because it switched back more to an old school FF art style. I do remember I enjoyed it, but I can't remember it as well. Zidane was a pretty interesting character as the story progressed, which is probably what you are referencing when you say around disc 3. The whole storyline with the mages was interesting as well.
He is a big name, but you can't blame the guy for not knowing who he is. Granted he is one of the few authors I can actually name, authors don't have the same name recognition as they used to. He is a great writer though, I used to be a big fan of his Jack Ryan character and I heard there might be another book in the works.
If they bring back the roaming, make it more exciting. There were times when I thought I was going to hang myself of boredom driving from one point to another. Maybe if there were more enemies roaming around the planets it would be more exciting. Otherwise, I like whoever suggested to just allow you to fly around on the ship, maybe that would make it seem less tedious.
FFX is still my favorite, and I see a favorite for many of you. Some of this could be the addition of voice acting, and the fact they did a pretty good job casting voice actors that worked. The story was good, and it's the reason I've played through it a few times. After X, I'd probably go with VIII, I liked Squall as the protagonist and I think he's underrated in the series. VII is classic, and I think with the addition of Advent Children, and the PSP game(I forget the name), they really expanded on that story line. The PSP game had a pretty good story, although the game itself wasn't all that amazing. I still love the old ones as well. I can't completely judge FFXII because I never finished it. From what I played, I despised the characters, and it seemed as though they tried to make the story so grandiose that it became confusing to follow, although the Judges were great models. As for the older games, I grew up playing them so they will always be classics in my eyes. The variety of characters in those games are what I always remember, maybe not the story being amazing. Who can forget Kefka's amazing digital laugh.
Please don't bring us Delhomme, he's been terrible and he had one of the best recievers in the NFL, we don't have anyone close to as good as Steve Smith. Wallace on the otherhand should have converted to WR when he entered the league, he could have been another Josh Cribbs, now he's just a career backup. I can't say who to get, but I don't think there is an easy answer out there. Quinn hasn't been awful, but at the same time he hasn't shown that he's a primetime guy either. Keep developing Harrison as the feature back, and the cornerstone of the offense, that seemed to be working down the stretch.
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