Never played it before today... i finally used those free for ten days things... but ive seen it before and i always thought that the game looked horrible. and today i can finally say that it is, heres why
-You have to pay for it
-free version isnt really a trial, just a demo
-really demanding graphics for no visuals
-too much useless space
-quest items are non-existent
-level up way too slow
-enemies are way too strong
Lmao... I was looking for something original and insightful, you have provided neither sir...
-You have to pay for it? Damn them for running servers for millions of people and demanding they help with the upkeep! Bastards.
-Again, no such thing as a free lunch. (why the hell would i pay for a game monthy? no other game that i know of does it)
-Really demanding? This game is one of the lightest system hogs I've ever seen. I can run several instances of the game at highest quality without breaking my computer.(put it on ultra... lagged and looked like crap)
-Would you rather the world be packed into a convenient, 8x8 box? (no i dont want to walk 10 minutes to the next city and die and be a ghost and hover for hours getting back to my body)
-Quest items are non-existent? L2killtherightmob? (the items arent where its shown on map)
-I can level from 1-85 in three weeks without breaking a sweat, not sure what y ou're doing wrong. ( i call BS did nothing but attack for 2 hours and those 30xp monsters dont do much and the others you cant fight)
-If you fight the wrong enemies they are. (same level enemies they were doing more damage by a lot and attacking quicker)
you guys didnt convince me... it was not an easy game, i knew how to attack (dont think i need anything else) so i knew what i was doing
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