If you don't like games that have a feeling of loneliness and isolation, I wouldn't play Dark Souls or Demon's Souls. There are NPCs but it's not exactly a warm, fuzzy game. There is, however, a lot of story, it's just woven into the world and a lot of it is implied through environment as much as explicitly told to you.
I found it to be not too much of a challenge after a bit of practice, but I was playing on a generously large HDTV which made seeing things past the special effects easy enough. Honestly, as long as you're pretty ferocious about nabbing every weapon power-up, it's not too bad.
It was probably manufactured before it was decided that inFamous was to be a free welcome back game, I doubt they'd do it on purpose. Also, people who didn't have a PSN account before the outage will benefit from it.
I think it depends on the games, to be honest, but there is occasionally a slight pause on my PS3 phat. I remember when I got a gold trophy on Fallout 3 and it made my game crash. I was not a happy man that day.
It might well be the same game that you keep getting placed in though, assuming you tried 10 in quick succession. If you did it over a period of hours or longer, then I'd say try deleting and re-downloading the game, which usually fixes most problems.
Well, my guess would be that either the game is full, or the host has left the game. You're probably trying to join people boosting if the host immediately leaves when you join, at least that'd be my guess.
This thready made me nostalgia hard. I miss Shadow Hearts too, I have Covenant and From The New World. :'( I'd love to see a Shadow Hearts on the NGP, given that the development costs will be less than those of the PS3, I imagine.
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