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#1 SuperXero89
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts


I can somewhat relate to what this guy is saying. I've got two 470 GTX in SLI, maxing out the game in DX11 with all the bells and whistles turned on and while the game is very high-tech to say the least I don't really like the graphics. Just like the stalker series the graphics are too dark, gritty and a bit "overdone" for my liking. It's just that I don't dig the design.


And that's when I say, who cares about technical details? If game A can look better than game B simply due to artist merit and a little bit of trickery here and there, I'm going to say game A has better graphics. Technically, Crysis is still probably the best looking game on the market today, but I still feel like Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 blow it out of the water.

Design and technical graphics should not be mixed up. I still much prefer the "art work" of the old 2D adventure games like Quest for glory 4 that used oil paintings for backgrounds than todays 3D-games but I wouldn't say that it has better "graphics". The problem when comparing "graphics" as in design is that it all becomes subjective. Games can be compared based on their technical features but not when it comes to design choices.

2D is a bit of a different beast. Artistic preferences aside, It's actually very easy to make a technically weak game look absolutely beautiful through various design decisions and tricks. One of the biggest tricks has to do with the fact that console games usually take place in much tighter, more confined spaces, allowing for games like Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 to look so well and run so good.
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#2 SuperXero89
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[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"] I have an astigmatism as well and absolutely horrible eyesight, but my opinion on Metro is completely the opposite of your's on metro.fireballonfire

we are going to have to agree to disagree then :)

I can somewhat relate to what this guy is saying. I've got two 470 GTX in SLI, maxing out the game in DX11 with all the bells and whistles turned on and while the game is very high-tech to say the least I don't really like the graphics. Just like the stalker series the graphics are too dark, gritty and a bit "overdone" for my liking. It's just that I don't dig the design.

And that's when I say, who cares about technical details? If game A can look better than game B simply due to artist merit and a little bit of trickery here and there, I'm going to say game A has better graphics. Technically, Crysis is still probably the best looking game on the market today, but I still feel like Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 blow it out of the water.
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#3 SuperXero89
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[QUOTE="rpgs_shall_rule"]A lot better than that budget PC :P HD Radeon 5850 Core i5 2.66GHz (need to get some decent cooling before I OC) 4GB DDR3 RAM Too many high-poly items maybe?Hakkai007

That is weird. Although maybe it's a driver issue.

I think it's simply hardware optimization. My friend got a new PC before I did, and runs (if I can remember correctly) an Intel 2.8Ghz dual core, 4gb RAM, and a Sapphire 4850, yet he gets quite a bit of stuttering from time to time in Dragon Age with the textures mod. When in Crossfire mod, I get upwards of 70-115 FPS and even I get occasional stuttering when there's a sudden drop in framerate.
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#4 SuperXero89
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[QUOTE="SuperXero89"]First off, when you say, "Gothic 4 runs well on that build at high settings," how do you define "well?" I've seen screenshots of people playing Crysis in DX10, bragging about their rig, yet they're only getting around 20-24 FPS.washd123

which for crysis is well. 25-30 is running well very playable. 31-50 is amazing 51-100 is undefinable

Depends on whether or not the game regularly stays at around 25 or 30, which I guess is impossible to tell from a screenshot. My point is that I would not be bragging about graphics while, at the same time, getting such a mediocre framerate. I think that really speaks for a lot of the more PC centric folks out there who are far too obsessed with graphics quality than they are with having a smooth gameplay experience, and I really don't understand that mindset.
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#5 SuperXero89
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Wow, was watching the PC version. It's a complete mess. lolIkuto_Tsukiyomi

Wow, I thought they would of learned the first time, Didn't they fire the entire team that did the TFU port and hire better people?

And how bad can it be? :?

I don't see why people keep saying the PC version is a mess. For one, it runs better on my machine than it does on my PS3, and secondly, because I'm closer to my computer monitor, I notice a great bit more detail within the game than I would if I were playing the game on my TV screen.
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#6 SuperXero89
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You're wrong.

316.90USD or 346.90 when you add in windows 7 from campus discount which is easy to attain.

It is more than 3 times the power of a console.

It can max out (directx 10) any multiplat besides Metro 2033 at 1680x1050.

It can play almost any PC game at high settings with 1680x1050.


The $1,000 dollar comment was in reference to being able to take full advantage of a game like Gothic IV, which, at max settings, would eat that PC. I'm well aware that you can build a PC for a relatively cheap price that can rival the performance of a console, but I think that would defeat the purpose of building a PC. I would not be so sure that the PC parts you listed would result in performance that is markedly improved from the console either. In theory, the system may be more powerful, but hardware configuration issues and the simple fact that a PC usually runs a good bit more in the background than a video game tend to come into play. I mean, I spent almost three thousand dollars on a PC that gives me a silky smooth framerate in Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, and Fallout 3, yet it has trouble running MW2 at a constant 60 FPS and performance in a game like Oblivion is actually comparable to the that of the PS3 version of all things. Why is this the case? No idea.

Not performance to rival consoles but beat is more than 3x over.

Also Gothic 4 runs well on that build at high setting just turn down shadows one notch.

I have almost the same set up and I know it performs much much better than consoles.

I can run most games at high with 1680x1050 res.

That build can run Dragon Age maxed out at 1680x1050 with the high texture res mod.

It can max out MW2 maybe not at constant 60 fps but anything above 30fps is fine.

Mass Effect modded to look better will run on that rig maxed at 1680x1050.

Fallout 3 maxed out will run at 1680x1050 just fine.

Sounds like you over payed for your PC.

First off, when you say, "Gothic 4 runs well on that build at high settings," how do you define "well?" I've seen screenshots of people playing Crysis in DX10, bragging about their rig, yet they're only getting around 20-24 FPS.
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#7 SuperXero89
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts


The same game on the PC looks remarkably better, but you're looking at spending over a thousand dollars for anything remotely resembling a playable framerate


You're wrong.

316.90USD or 346.90 when you add in windows 7 from campus discount which is easy to attain.

It is more than 3 times the power of a console.

It can max out (directx 10) any multiplat besides Metro 2033 at 1680x1050.

It can play almost any PC game at high settings with 1680x1050.

The $1,000 dollar comment was in reference to being able to take full advantage of a game like Gothic IV, which, at max settings, would eat that PC. I'm well aware that you can build a PC for a relatively cheap price that can rival the performance of a console, but I think that would defeat the purpose of building a PC. I would not be so sure that the PC parts you listed would result in performance that is markedly improved from the console either. In theory, the system may be more powerful, but hardware configuration issues and the simple fact that a PC usually runs a good bit more in the background than a video game tend to come into play. I mean, I spent almost three thousand dollars on a PC that gives me a silky smooth framerate in Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, and Fallout 3, yet it has trouble running MW2 at a constant 60 FPS and performance in a game like Oblivion is actually comparable to the that of the PS3 version of all things. Why is this the case? No idea.

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#8 SuperXero89
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I am a fan of the series, so I enjoyed (am enjoying) Force Unleashed II. I can, however, certainly see why the reviewers pretty much panned the game.

It's pretty much a by-the-numbers hack-in-slash where you trudge through repetitive environments killing largely the exact same enemies and robots over and over again. The story makes little to no sense, and the game really feels half finished. There are some bright spots such as some brilliant set piece boss battles, but the brevity of the story, the lack of unique environments, and the small, handful of enemy types almost make you think this game was released before its time.

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#9 SuperXero89
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

Well I don't mean to be a graphics whore but ugh, those graphics look almost PS2 quality.

I know Wii hardware is nearly a generation behind the 360 and PS3, but could they not have done a bit better there?

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#10 SuperXero89
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

PC graphics are superior to consoles, but the advantages are often overstated.

As far as multiplatform titles go, PC gamers can enjoy higher resolution textures, an increased draw distance, and in many cases, a superior framerate, but when you factor in the sort of PC (or PC knowledge) required to take full advantage aspects, I'm not sure it's really worth it.

I mean, you can buy Gothic IV for a $400 360 and it will look pretty nice. The same game on the PC looks remarkably better, but you're looking at spending over a thousand dollars for anything remotely resembling a playable framerate, and I'm not sure all that money is worth some better textures, lighting, and draw distance. Years ago, however, the PC had numerous multiplatform and exclusive titles that blew console titles of the same era right out of the water such as Half Life, Half Life 2, System Shock, System Shock 2, Gothic 2, Morrowind, Daggerfall, Everquest, Deus Ex, Battlefield 2, and numerous others.

PC exclusives really do a great deal to showcase exactly what the PC platform is capable of, but those games are so few and far in between that, again, I'm not sure it's worth it to everyone to purchase some expensive gaming rig.

At this point, PC gaming is really good for two things:

1. Online Gaming - the RTS and the MMORPG genres are just about the only style of video game not yet taken over by the console market, and the PC has a plethora of excellent titles to choose from within those genres that really showcase what the PC can do.

2. "Cheaper" Games - In my experience, most PC gamers pirate their games, which means they get them for free, but with that aside, the games are simply cheaper. Whereas gamers look to spend around $60 dollars for a new console game (no matter the title), PC gamers can usually get the same game for at least ten dollars less and perhaps even more if it's found for sale on Steam.

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