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Super_smart Blog

I resigned on a union (new moderation history)

I resigned on a unions today,  it was the aarpg whatever its name,  the reason i resigned the aarpg union was because i had a moderation history their and i did nothing bad! i started with a good perfect moderation history but that union ruined it.   In other news the aarpg union have only 26 members and 2/3 of that are officers..

My new emble

two days ago i was happy to win my old school award, iam very proud of myself because i got this emble on the first day! thats unusual, and iam pretty sure iam about to get a second emble!

 Here it is. and thats the previous 1 everyone have that.

I still own sega genesis

Iam very happy to see that my first sega genesis which lived over 6 years ago is still there!, i still regret nes and snes, i forgot how i dont have these consoles anymore, but i will try to get them back, atari i did not played alot of atari, only a few years playing it and i was very young i dont even remember what they were like. well i still own sega genesis i dont really feel like playing them, i'll play nes and snes and genesis and some other consoles on the wii.                      

Well thats it for todays blog, thank you everyone for taking time reading my blog.