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Superdude687 Blog

20K get.

This weeks Gamer score update is as follows

  • 1. I broke 20K for a current score of 20,623

  • 2. I gained 20 points in Oblivion for a total of 22/60 achievements and 400/1250 GS

  • 3. I gained 585 Points in Alone in the Dark for a total of 36/49 Achievements and 585/1000 GS

This is going to be the new format of my Gamer Score Updates, If you have any games you think I should try leave me a comment and I'll see you all next Friday.

It's been about a year.....

It's been about a year since I've updated this thing. Been too busy with work, school and everything in between.

My Gamerscore is almost to 20K now. It seems like only yesterday I got my first 1K and was ridiculously excited.

In closing I'll list some games I picked up

  1. Dark Cloud
  2. Rocket Slime
  3. Space Invaders Extreme
  4. DBZ Burst Limit
  5. Etrian Odyssey II
Bye guys, hopefully I'll get back to you soon.

Dead Pc

My computer is dead... INACCESSABLE BOOT DEVICE... whatever that is... if anyone can help please comment

Uncle Paulie will die!

Long time no see guys :(. Sorry been busy. I got The Darkness comics 3 weeks ago which got me interested in the game. Which by the way is great. I also got Overlord which feels like Pikmin meets Demented Fable. It is also great xD. If you haven't bought/played them already its highly recommended you do. You can probably get 5-600 GS out of each games single player if you want.

I love complainers

I'm online playing Gears (of course) and one of my teammates keeps chainsawing people and the other ones are sniping and shotgunning them. So I go start tagging people (specifically the guy using the Boomshot). Of course the other team uses the same weapons every round but they keep on complaining about our sniper & me because "Sniping & tagging should be considered cheating". Ironically they also have a sniper.

I think you should use whatever weapons you can get your hands on & do what you are good at.

What are your opinions on certain weapons?

Edit:: I also just beat Act 3 on Hardcore!! :lol: Man I suck..

Hardcore Hating & Achievement update

So, I'm playing Gears on Casual and Hardcore at the same time. I get to 4-2 on Casual & still going strong. It's not hard at all, but I get to the very end of Act 3 on Hardcore (I'm going to play Act 2 after this because it's my least favorite act if only because of its length) and I die a horrible death time after time thanks to the Theron Guards and the stupid Torque Bow blowing me all to hell. It's really starting to anger me. I think Insane is going to put me into an Asylum. There is no way in hell I'll be able to do that without sacrificing some sort of virgins to Satan or some crap.

Now on to the Update:
  • Gears of War: 200 Points (13 of 49)
  • Galaga: 200 Points (12 of 12) 100% get!!!
  • Ms. Pacman: 160 Points (11 of 12)
  • Uno: 145 Points (10 of 12)
  • Defender: 50 points (4 of 12)
  • Prey: 685 Points (26 of 44) Cherokee here I come
  • DoA4: 40 points (4 of 45)
  • Doom: 40 points (4 of 12)
  • Kameo: 320 Points (9 of 50)
  • GRAW: 50 Points (2 of 43)
  • Tomb Raider: 120 Points (4 of 23)
  • Double Agent: 110 Points (4 of 38 )
  • Hexic: 25 Points (3 of 12)
  • Lego Star Wars: 110 Points (4 of 29)
  • Burnout Revenge: 15 Points (2 of 36)
  • Saints Row: 20 Points (2 of 43)
  • Contra: 55 Points (5 of 12)
  • Oblivion: 350 Points (19 of 50)
  • Time Pilot: 110 Points (7 of 12)
  • [eM] Enchanted Arms: 50 Points (2 of 25) Just got this again from Gamefly
  • Dead Rising: 20 Points (1 of 50)

Galaga Defeated.

I have gotten all 200 points in Galaga and that brings me up to 1905. This is my first 100% Completion and it makes me pretty proud.

So what was your first 100% Completion?
  • 27 results
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3