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Supergodzilla1 Blog

My girlfriend

I haven't seen my girlfriend, Nicole,in twoyears. We've kept track of each other and talk over the phone and all. So we're stilltight nit. However I'm worried. I'm not sure if she's okay since I haven't heard from her for the past few weeks.

AND HERE I AM FIGHTING OFF THE NECROMORPH HORDES ON THE USG ISHIMURA. I hope she's alive. I hope I can find her. Because these are alot of screwed up crewmembers that are coming back from the dead. I hope she's safe.


I am a Wizard of Wor

Worriors engaging Burwors

This, is some serious old school hardcore awesome badass-ery for the mere purpose that it's a fun game. Remember what fun is? It's what we used to have before hyped up internet communities dedicated to defending a single franchise and playing games that felt like a second job.

Anwyays. You're probably wondering 'What game?' And I, hoping that you are asking this question, will answer accordingly.

Wizard of Wor is an arcade game made by Midway around 1980 that got to see several ports into other old school systems. In this game you play as a 'Worrior', a sort of futuristic supersoldier, with the goal of defeating the Wizard of Wor. Assisting you in accomplishing this goal is another (usually Blue) Worrior which allows cooperative play with either the game itself or one of your arcade buddies. However your task is not so simple as you are forced to battle the Wizard of Wor's minions in a maze like dungeon.

The gameplay isn't very complex. You shoot a monster -> you kill a monster -> a stronger faster monster takes its place. The sequence of sucession for monsters is you start with eliminating the Blue Burwors in the dungeon. Usually the last few when defeated cause a Yellow Garwor to appear, which can sometimes become invisible (good thing you have Radar). When the Garwor is killed a Red Thorwor takes thier place. After the Red Thorwor is defeated no more monsters appear to replace it. As soon as the final Thorwor is defeated the Worluk appears. The Worluk apparently isn't too keen on staying around and attempts to escape through either of the doors on the sides of the dungeon. But however if the Worluk is killed before it can escape you get to enter a 'Double Score Dungeon'. The Double Score Dungeons give you double the score per kill, so it's preferable to kill the Worluk whenever you've got the chance.

However the Wizard of Wor is obviously not happy about your progress and occasionally appear to do battle with the Worriors usually after the Worluk is killed. He will teleport around and move quickly throwing lightning bolts. The Wizard of Wor quickly makes an advance towards one of the Worriors and if he suceeds in killing one of them he will disappear. If you shoot him you get a large sum of points off his defeat and head off to the next dungeon.

Most notably is how the game never ends. It continues from dungeon to dungeon with the monsters getting faster and faster the Worriors no longer have any more spare lives. This is an amusing 'shoot em up' that goes hand in hand with Pacman's mazes and hand in hand with Galaxian's persistence in having you only fire one shot at a time. Best played with a friend I'll admit. I've played this in an original arcade and in Midway's "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" on the original Xbox.

If you want in on some of this madness I would recommend you download the fan made remix of the game from It's very well made and a great way to get a feel for the original Wizard of Wor despite not being as claustrophobic.

And so he added to his useless collection

I sat down today and decided to punch in all my pokemon games that I pulled out of the drawer under this desk. I looked over the pile that stood before me and counted them off. I've got all the Advance Generation games, oh joy?, all three Color games (in Japanese), the two originals, and Pokemon Pearl.

To add on to this killfest I've got the old Pelican Monster Brain, a memory editor for RBY and GSC. Well it would apply to GSC, if they weren't in Japanese. As for the advance games I couldn't help but feel a bit of nostalgia and a waste of money.

Sapphire - The first Pokemon game I ever got and stayed devoted to, ending up with my current 90+ team.

Ruby - Second game that was mere $10 cancer to my wallet.

LeafGreen - Another $10, another game, nothing special to report.

Emerald - Bought it for $10, haven't played it any.

FireRed - $5 spent, no need to play it.

Something does seem like a waste here, do you see it? As for the original games,

Blue - Given to me by a Pokemon oldie who just so happened to have three spare copies of Blue. Didn't save though, so I had to leave the SP on all day/night on a charger. But with the Monster Brain I can back up my saves and load whenever I want to. Allowed me to train up my current level 100 team.

Red - $1, what a giving non-pokemon fan.

Gold, Silver, Crystal - All three bought off Ebay for about $10 each. Beat Gold's Elite Four, stopped playing Silver, and in Crystal I went on to beat Ash.

Gold (English) - Bought for another $10, finding it hard to get the motivation to continue.


I see a pattern in my spending.


WHEEE, just last Friday I sat down with my 12 pack of Coke (courtesy of mycokerewards) and started to play a long praised classic, Doom. I walked in boasting how I would play it all day with my 12 pack by my side. Overall, I wasn't kidding. Playing against demons and Imps and all of the forces of hell pit against me I stomped through the UAC complexes, got to Deimos, and destroyed the monsters from Hell on out. What I ended up with was a very dead Spider Mastermind, a beheaded rabbit, and an empty box of Coke. All done within the time span of two days. If you want to see what I think about Doom, read the review I wrote up about it.

Next stop, Doom II on a 12 pack of coke. AGAIN courtesy of mycokerewards. Got to love them caps.