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WHEEE, just last Friday I sat down with my 12 pack of Coke (courtesy of mycokerewards) and started to play a long praised classic, Doom. I walked in boasting how I would play it all day with my 12 pack by my side. Overall, I wasn't kidding. Playing against demons and Imps and all of the forces of hell pit against me I stomped through the UAC complexes, got to Deimos, and destroyed the monsters from Hell on out. What I ended up with was a very dead Spider Mastermind, a beheaded rabbit, and an empty box of Coke. All done within the time span of two days. If you want to see what I think about Doom, read the review I wrote up about it.

Next stop, Doom II on a 12 pack of coke. AGAIN courtesy of mycokerewards. Got to love them caps.