@SetsuOkun Tekken 6 came out later because they had to rewrite everything so they could also release it on the 360. Also the Tekken team does it's updates in the arcades,so what the home console gets is the final product. TXSF is taking so long because the Tekken team was working on Tekken 3D Prime for the 3DS,Tekken Tag tournament 2 for PS3/360 & they're working on a Tekken game for the Wii U...please do your homework.
A part of me wishes I listen to my other Tekken faithfuls & waited for Namco to release their version. Also those 12 DLC characters will mean nothing to me because Tekken Tag Tournament 2 comes out before they do,I'll be able to play the 6 Tekken characters as they're meant to be played...for free. Those of you who want to throw the pre-order TTT2 DLC characters in my face can just stop because they'll be made available later....once again for free!
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