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10 Dumb Things I Said in 2010

On the occasion, I have been known to get a few things wrong. I am not perfect and I hate to admit it, but I do make a lot of silly mistakes. At times I let my emotions get the better of me while other times I really can't explain what I was thinking at the time. So here is (in no particular order) the top 10 dumbest things I said in 2010. :o

1) Red Dead Redemption Bash

"RDR should have been in only 2 categories, Most Disappointing Game and Worst Game Everyone Played"

I was being way too harsh when I said that and Timma is totally right when he replied:

"I wouldn't go that far, because honestly it was a good quality game"

It is a good quality game and there is a variation of things to do in the game. You can tell that quite a bit of effort was put into this game and is far from actually being a bad game. However when I found out that RDR not only won GOTY but also took most of the awards including best PS3 and 360 game, I was just pissed and felt the urge to lash out at the game. RDR is a good game and probably deserves GOTY but I personally hated the game. I can't even motivate myself to finish the game. But just because I didn't have a good experience with it doesn't make it a bad game and what I said was unfair and stubborn.

2) 11 Years in a Decade

I made a thread last year to name your personal Game of the Decade. In this, I asked what was everyones favourite game from 2000-2010. What I should have asked was what was everyones favourite game from 2000-2009 and toast_burner immediately picked me up on that. He is totally right and looking back, how could I not notice that I added an extra year to the decade? I did try and cover it up, but I don't think that did much good. Either way it was a silly mistake and should have paid more attention to what I was actually proposing.

3) Borderlands Release Date

I questioned why Borderlands wasn't nominated for Best RPG for 2010? Turns out they had a very good reason, Borderlands was released in 2009. Yeah, I really have a bad sense of time when it comes to years don't I? There were actually 2 things that lead me to believe that it was released in 2010. The first being that a lot of Borderlands DLC was nominated in the categories this year and that makes sense because yeah, they were released this year. However I made the mistake of assuming the game was released the same year as the DLC. The second thing was the fact that Borderlands was released late 2009 and my mind just simply rounded up. Either way, I suck at keeping track of time.

4) Red Dead Sequel

Yeah, this was pretty embarrassing. I found it funny how RDR was nominated in the most improved sequel category considering it isn't a sequel. I thought it was some kind of mistake or glitch or something. Turns out that yeah, it is a sequel. I think my mind was blown and felt like an idiot for not knowing that this was a sequel. However how was I supposed to know? The title didn't indicate it was a series of any sorts. There was no number in the title nor was there no use of a sub-title. But yeah, this shows how much I pay attention to Rockstar games.

5) The Dream

I have a habit of talking about touchy subjects. I won't bring a subject up, but once bought up I will share personal experiences and discuss it deeply, I won't feel any awkwardness. However others do and I have had on the occasion been asked to change subject or been told that they don't want to talk about it anymore, which is fine. With my dream blog, I do wonder if maybe it was appropriate to share. It did get a lot of comments and maybe people do enjoy reading personal stuff. I kind of do, but I don't know if that is actually a good thing. With this said, I do make at least one personal blog every year, in 2009 it was my operation blog. There was nothing dumb in that blog so it isn't a legit spot on the list, but I will dedicate this spot to anything I said in 2010 that was awkward or perhaps too personal.

6) Mass Effect 2 Bash

Before Mass Effect 2 was even released I thought this game was going to be overrated. To me Mass Effect 1 was overrated and actually stopped playing for a few months midway through the game. I did manage to continue the game and once the story picked up, I really got into it. It wasn't a perfect game but if you gave the game time to pick up, it does become an enjoyable experience. When Mass Effect 2 was released, yeah I stood by my word and said it was really overrated. I mocked the group of people saying how Mass Effect 2 will be GOTY despite the year just starting. I then played Mass Effect 2 and I... loved every second of it. You know those guys that praises Mass Effect 2 as such an amazing game, yeah I am one of those guys now. I even voted for it as GOTY and looking back now, I feel like such a hypocrite for bashing a game before playing it. Mass Effect 2 will now always be a constant reminder to never judge a game based on fanbase.

7) Street Fighter The Movie

If any of you have seen the movie you probably have the same negative view that everyone who has seen it has. It is a terrible movie, even for a game to movie adaptation it is painful to watch. It is so bad that... I kinda like it. Yeah I said it, I just found the movie so entertaining. Yeah, the movie is bad but that is why it is so fun to watch. However I made the mistake of defending this movie and really, I shouldn't. It can't be defended, once Street Fighter the movie is defended, any credibility you once had is out the window. What else can I say, just another one of my many guilty pleasures.

8) Touching My Shoulder

"One time in high school a girl touched my shoulder, good times!"

Yeah, it was pretty low of me to borrow a recurring joke from OT Girl Help Threads of all places. I just couldn't help myself, I thought it was pretty funny. When I did use it, it didn't come out funny but awkward... then again maybe that is what the line is supposed to be used for. Either way, I should have just kept away.

9) Posting in Religion Threads

This one speaks for itself. If anyone has entered one of these threads, it is like watching a game of ping pong.

10) Motion Controls Bash

After Kinect and Move were getting the spotlight, I was quick to join the haters and share my opinion of these tools that are unnecessary and a waste to gaming. Truthfully, I kind of like Motion Gaming. I have a Wii, a Kinect and most probably will eventually get a Move in the near future. While some of the games are gimmicky, the technology itself may have a future in gaming with improvements of course. It is really hard saying this though because the idea of motion controllers taking over normal controllers terrifies me. As a result, I bashed the Kinect and Move instead of facing the possibilities. However the Wii has shown me that Motion gaming isn't all about casual/sports games and can be implemented quite well in other games. I was a total hypocrite to bash the technology and buy the product, but just because I like motion gaming doesn't mean I prefer it to using the normal controllers.

So there you have it, I am sure I have said a lot more stupid things in 2010 and I can assure you that I will in 2011 as well. :oops: But, there is nothing wrong with getting it wrong some of the time and don't mind if anyone questions my opinion or points out when I make a mistake. I don't mind debating either, even if I feel strongly about the subject, I won't take it personally and lash out directly at the opposition... well I try to anyway. Hopefully I can learn from these mistakes... hopefully. :P

Also, don't ask how, but I lost the trophy list, so that might have to wait a bit before I can actually find the word document again. :oops:

Till Next Time :)