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200th Blog Entry

This is my 200th blog I have posted on GS, and to celebrate, I am leaving GS... Just joking :P But it is actually partially true. Tomorrow, I will be going on a holiday with the family for a week to the Gold Coast, I won't be out of the country but I will be out of my state for the first time :D So I won't be active, but I will be back ;) There is quite a few things I want to share so I will start off by stating what I have been doing on GS :)

Well I have been commenting on blogs, and hopefully continue to do so :)

I did visited some old unions that I haven't posted in awhile, mostly dead, but at least I replied, better late than never :P Just to name the unions I did visit:
The Halo Trilogy Union
The Old School Gamers
Maybe I should visit some more when I get back from my trip :)

Also some of you may have recognised me playing Oblivion on Xbox Live these past couple of days, which may seem odd as I already own Oblivion on the PC. Well I am a really big fan of the series, and always wanted to own the Collectors Edition of Oblivion. The other day I spotted the CE in store for quite a cheap price, and I just couldn't resist :) Oddly enough, I also own Morrowind for both the Xbox and PC :P For those who haven't seen the CE here is what it looks like:

Still a great game :)

Speaking of games I managed to pick up Little Big Planet for the PSP, not as good as the PS3 version but a decent port, I am quite impressed. I downloaded Gravity Crash off of PSN the other day, probably the most underrated game I have played this gen considering there is only 3 critic reviews, and 13 user ratings here on GS :o Well last time I checked, I was ranked 11 in one of the Gravity Crash leaderboards, the less people there is, the higher my rank is :P

Well I better leave it there, see you guys in 7 days :)