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E3 2010 Impressions

Yeah, I am sure you guys have seen many of these blogs floating around :P But before I get into it, I would like to say that I am done for the semester :D And yeah, more gaming for me 8)

MS Conference: I didn't get a chance to see this live, and had to see it after. But once I did, I was... disappoint. Just to reinact the conference:

"Here's gears, halo, COD, here are some other games and ZOMG KINECT!!! You can play Sport, video chat, play with animals, exercise, dance and much more!!!! Kinect = Best Thing Eva!!! Oh BTW, new 360 Kthxbai"

The main problem was Kinect. I don't mind promoting a product but they seemed to go out of their way to push it down our throats for the most part. It dragged too long, and nothing really new was announced apart from right at the very end when the new 360 was shown. It seems like MS is trying too hard to destroy Nintendo when they can't. It is too late into the party and what the hell is wrong with your hardcore/elite crowd? I know MS is a money craving company, probably why you and Activision get on so well, but seriously why do you have to jump ship on us? Wow, this has become a rant instead of an impression, apologies... :oops:

The games that were shown, Halo Reach, Gears, COD wasn't really that impressive either. Gears was gears, Halo was Halo, and well you get the point. I have no interest of the casual Kinect games that were shown. The only game that I must admit looked cool was the new Star Wars game. Screw dancing and playing sports, I want a dual with Darth Vader! Overall, a pretty weak conference with only a few games standing out that were overshadowed my the Kinect.

Nintendo Conference: It is up to debate which conference was better, Nintendo or Sony? But to me, Nintendo took the cake, which is a surprise considering I had a very low expectation for Nintendo's conference. I was expecting them to go on about how their motion controls have bought older and younger people alike into gaming. But this wasn't the case, in fact they focused on probably the ONLY thing that would convince me to buy a Wii... Nostalgia.

So many returns, and surprises at the conference that conference that I just can't name all of them because I know I will forget at least one game. But what really caught my attention is one game in particular, Donkey Kong Country Returns. Just to give you idea on how much of a DKC fan I am, only just recently I bought out the SNES to replay the DKC trilogy and I was going to dedicate a whole tribute blog to it. Yes, the tribute was originally planned for the DKC series! I honestly have to get a Wii now as this is a dream come true. I do have mixed feeling about the Goldeneye remake, but hope that it turns out great. I can say now, that it will not live up to the first game, but hope it does turn out well.

The 3DS looks great as well. I have never bought a console on launch, but I am really considering it for the console. Not only does it have great graphics, and great features but the game lineup is really strong for it! I have been gaming for a long time, and the SNES and N64 era was probably the golden age of gaming for me personally. However, I do understand that the newer generation may not relate to these game as much as I have, hence why it is understandable for one to take the Sony Conference as the better conference. :)

Sony Conference: The Sony conference was actually really good as well. I was a bit concerned it would lead down the same path as the MS conference with the Move but this wasn't the case. The announcement of Twisted Metal was a great surprise, but overall the Sony conferences are usually great. The showcase of upcoming games plus a little bit of humour is always a safe conference. I liked the way that the Sony conference did break things up, and it wasn't unbalanced like the MS Conference. Like Kinect, the Move doesn't have much of my interest at the moment. But there are 2 main reasons why I pick on the Kinect more than the Move, and that being:

1) It didn't take up the most part of the conference.

2) The games that were shown looked much better. (my personal opinion)

Overall great conference from Sony.

Well that is my take on it, thanks for reading :)

PS: The spellchecker is glitching for some reason, so sorry if my grammar and spelling is a bit off :oops: