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E3 and Stuff

Well E3 has come and gone. Before I go into more detail, I just want to say what I did for E3. A few of my mates and I bought our PC's to my friends house and we LAN'd it up during the events of E3. My friend also had a projector setup so we could watch E3 on a relatively big screen. It was pretty neat, I can tell you that, but I was absolutely tired as hell. The MS Conference started at midnight Monday, the Sony conference was Tuesday at 9 in the morning and the Nintendo conference was at midnight again. :| I had no sleep in between, lets just say I had a super sleep after E3 ended. :P So down to the conferences:

Microsoft (Status: Drunk): This was quite a weak conference. Aside from Halo 4, there wasn't really much that caught my interest. The new Gears game looks pointless. I couldn't care less about the Sports stuff or the tablet integration. There isn't really much to say, aside from it being weak.

Sony (Status: Tired): This one was a bit better, there were quite a few games that caught my attention. The new God of War game, Beyond, new AC3 footage and the Last of Us game looks pretty cool as well. The Super Sony Smash Bros game looks pretty cool, but I don't know if they can compete against Nintendo on that one. :P I didn't care about that book thingo though, it didn't help that I don't care about the Harry Potter series either. :(

Nintendo (Status: Tired and Drunk): To be perfectly honest, I don't remember this one too much because I was pretty out of it, but from what I could gather, it was pretty weak as well. Like the MS conference, there just wasn't enough games to catch my attention. There was maybe an announcement or two that I liked, but really, it wasn't enough to leave an impact on me. All that I remember was that guy taking a Pikmin out of his jacket. :lol:

Overall E3 was a disappointment. But I had fun regardless. :P

On a more serious note, I have been taking anti-depressants for the last two months. I was on half a tablet a day and they weren't really working. I am now on a full tablet a day and I really seem to be enjoying life a lot more now. :) I have this consistent high and feel like I am at peace with myself. I don't feel happy, but I feel content and I am ok with that. :)