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Gamespot is Creepy

The past few months of lurking through the GS forums have been a bit unsettling as I have come across some creepy and rather disturbing stories, images and videos. I am sure that these have been posted around the web quite a lot already, but I thought I would be nice and share them with you, just in case you were lucky enough to miss them. :P

If you are about to go to sleep, or get scared easily, this is a warning that what you are about to see, shouldn't be seen. ;)

1) Lavender Town:

As you can tell from these videos, Lavender Town is a level from the pokemon [insert colour] game. While the level isn't really shown, the real focus is the creepy background music. Something about it is horrifying. The song itself, appears like it was supposed to be an upbeat tune and nearly a happy song, yet comes across as a severely depressive nightmare of a tune. The real attention though is Lavender Town Missing Frequencies:

Not only does it include a somewhat unsettling story in the video description, the song changes dramatically 8:50 minutes into the video.

2) Majora

While some of us grew up with Zelda: Majora's Mask and enjoyed it greatly from our childhoods, this story puts the game in a whole new light. This college student attains an unusual copy of the Zelda game, however there is something about the game that isn't quite right, leaving the student with quite a horrifying experience. It is a long read and there are videos included to go along with the story, however it is a very well-structured creepy + pasta whether you believe it or not.

3) Smile.jpg

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

I think smile.jpg speaks for itself, but there is a story to go with it. They say that there are cases where individuals commit suicide after viewing the image and you will as well. That is the short and blunt version, I am sure that there is more to the story. Practically the internet version of the Ring.

4) This Man

You are probably wondering, who is this man? This creepy figure you see before you has been reported as being seen in everyones dream. There have been many people who have claimed to have seen this man in their dreams, many who say that they have never seen this man in their lives before apart from their dreams.

"I dreamt this man was in my mirror watching me, saying nothing, and he was wearing glasses. He never moved the entire time I saw him, he was like a statue, so still."

5) Superironic's Blog


Well that is it for me, and your welcome in advanced ;)