To be perfectly honest, I have never celebrated the holiday, it is more of an American thing to celebrate Halloween. However this is going to be the theme for my upcoming blogs throughout October (and by that I mean the second half of October :P):
Choose Your Destiny Game 12: I have been meaning to do one of these for ages but have never got around to doing one. I have had a lot of ideas, but I just never get around to converting those ideas into an actual blog. I have to do a CYDG at least once a year and this is the perfect time to do one. :P What does the CYDG blogs have to do with Halloween? Well if you have noticed a pattern, they tend to always be dark and never end well no matter what route is chosen. :P
Top 10 Scariest Creatures: Another blog I have always wanted to do... but I am not really sure why. :P Surprisingly spiders aren't on this list, I actually don't mind spiders. I don't mind snakes either, don't get me wrong, if there was a snake in the room I would freak. I would freak because I know certain snakes are dangerous, same with spiders however I don't find them all that creepy. This list will contain the creatures I find look the most scary, I don't care if they are dangerous or not I just don't want to be anywhere around them and just the thought of them sends shivers down my spine!
Mystery Blog: I haven't thought of a title for this blog but I know exactly what I am going to talk about. I am not going to say what it is about... but it won't be anything special and won't be as formal as the other blogs. ;)
So yeah, that is the trilogy of blogs to expect in the upcoming weeks. I have just realised that none of them have anything to do with gaming. Come to think of that I don't think I have done a gaming related blog in awhile now. :o Well just to give a brief update:
- Ended up getting Star Fox 64 remake for the 3DS. I love what they have done with the graphics, same for Ocarina of Time. The extras are nice, the 3D and motion controls are pretty cool, but apart from that there isn't that much more the game offers above the N64 version. I don't regret buying it though and I knew what to expect. I guess the only disappointment is the fact that there are no hints into successfully taking the harder route. Ocarina of Time had hints, but then again, that is a more cryptic game. Oh, and I don't need the hints (I was already a fan of the game back in the N64 era) but I thought they should have included them so that the newcomers to the series don't get lost. Overall though, I am happy with the game. :)
- I love Deus Ex Human Revolution. It isn't fair that it was released the same year Skyrim gets released as I would have happily given it my vote for GOTY. :(
- I can't wait for Skyrim! I am so excited!
- I will probably be getting my gaming PC in the next couple of weeks. :D It is going to be so great, I will be able to play games I have bought from Steam that I haven't been able to touch because my PC had trouble running it. :) I will post specs when I know what they are. ;)
- Played this game last weekend and lost the first 2 games. The first game I lost because I had a bad controller. The second game I lost due to bad luck. After losing both those games, I was pretty much screwed for the rest of that night :P... :|.
So yeah, blog finished. :P
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