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If there is anyone out there? =)

It has been awhile since I have done a blog, I have had my hands full this year and thought it is time to set aside some time to catch up on Gamespot :) If anyone happens to still be lurking around gamespot, and manages to visit my blog one more time, I thank you for setting some time aside to read this blog, I appreciate it :) So... just a quick update on what has been happening...

I finally have a 360! I got an Elite package with Halo 3, Fable 2 and Terminator Salvation, Terminator however still has the wrapping sealed. :P This was before a price cut was announced from MS, but I still reckon I got a fair deal with it. I also picked up Gears 2 and Scene It (ya.. ;)) and really enjoyed Gears 2. In fact I really enjoyed all 4 games, and can't wait with what is installed in the future for the 360. Also beforehand, I thought it would be fun to play Halo 1, and Halo 2 again to refresh my memory on what is going on before playing Halo 3. If you are bored one day, you too should try it out! :P

But wait, I still haven't forgotten about the PS3! I downloaded Wipeout Fury the other day and I have to say, it is really a nice expansion to the game, and worth every dollar for what it is worth. Wipeout HD has been one of my favourite games for the PS3. I have also gone on a GH rampage lately and already have 3 GH games plus RB. I must be the only person who actually has a RB drum set, GH guitar and Singstar mics as a band set :lol: I also got a 500 GB HDD for the PS3 (the 40 GB was getting a bit full) and really enjoy the extra space :D

Unfortunately, my PC has had less attention lately, gaming wise, but still manages to get some play time, one way or another. I had a craving for playing the Sims 2 for some reason, and Oblivion... so I did :P I also got the Half-Life Anthology from Steam for 66% off, so the PC still is alive and well ;)

And finally, you are probably wondering how I am doing with the Trophy List I released on my blog, earlier this year... well I know Jeff is so here is the remaining 'virtual' trophies I need to earn ;)

Superironic's 2009 Trophy's:

Superironic 2009 Award (Platinum) - Earn all of Superironic's trophies for 2009.

Well Prepared (Silver) - Pre-order at least 2 games in 2009

Dedicated Trophy Collector (Gold) - Earn a platinum trophy in 2009

Elite Gamer (Gold) - Be in the top 5 highest leveled gamers against your friends list

Till Next Time! :)

PS: My Gamertag is Superironic91, I have added a few of you, but feel I have forgotten a few people, if I have, please let me know :)

As always, if you haven't already, add me on PSN: Superironic

Hope to see you online ;)