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Just Your Everyday Bloggy

Hey, I know it has been a decent amount of time since my last blog, I have been meaning to do one but just haven't got around to it. Well until now of course. :P Well Christmas is around the corner, which is odd because I swear we had a Christmas last year as well. :P Nah, actually I am looking forward to Christmas! However I am pretty much broke and is hard getting people gifts and at the same time, save money. The reason I am broke isn't because of Christmas, it is because I bought a new car. My last 2 cars I bought for really cheap both clunked out on me, so I took a chance and bought a more expensive car. It runs really well, so no complaints as of yet. However after going through 2 cars already, I can't help but feel skeptical about this car. :oops:

So anyway, I have paid half for the car and owe my mum the other half on top of the insurance cost and the car license cost. Also, I really don't remember the name of the car at the moment, it isn't from a well-known manufacturer. For a guy, my knowledge of cars isn't up to par. :oops: So as I was saying... Christmas, usually Christmas comes slow but this year it has approached really fast. Less than a week until Christmas. O_O In fact, this whole year has flew past really quickly. It is pretty scary, as I was saying in a previous thread, there have been events that occurred this year that felt like it happened the other week, when really it happened a few months ago. Well the year isn't finished yet, guess I better get the most out of what is left of 2010. :D

Anyway, in the spirit of christmas, give you Santa Christ!

Till next time ;)