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Lost Blog: Top 6 Movies Everyone Hates But I Liked

Date: Early 2011
Reason Never Published: Never finished (was originally going to be a Top 10 list :P)

Full Metal Jacket: I know, most people I know likes Full Metal Jacket. However, when they say that, they really mean the first half of the movie. Really though, I liked the second half of the movie and in some cases (depending on the mood) I prefer the second half. I think the reason why the second half is overshadowed is because the first half is really... something. The second half plays out like a normal movie while the first half is so unusually entertaining and dark, it is like being on a trip or something (from what I think being on a trip is like). But if you take the second half of the movie for what it is, it is still quite a good piece of cinema.

Watchmen: I loved Watchmen. I must admit, when I first saw it I had mixed feelings towards the movie, mainly because I expected a typical superhero movie and instead got something completely different. But Watchmen really grew on me and I really love this movie. The opening intro would have to be the best intro I have seen for a movie in awhile. I even read the Graphic Novel. I guess a lot of people didn't like the dark and unusual nature of the movie and probably would have preferred more action than drama, but I loved the deep themes and issues the movie took on. Oh, also the Soundtrack was awesome!

Ghost Rider: I don't really know what is wrong with this superhero movie. I mean it isn't anything special, but it is far from being a bad movie. I liked the main character (by that I mean I like Cage :P), I liked the villains and it had a satisfying conclusion.

//Come to think of it, a lot of hate comes directly towards Nic Cage, an actor you rather love or hate. I am in the group that likes Nic Cage. Yeah, he isn't a great actor and can get really over the top when he wants to... but that is why I enjoy his movies so much. He is just so entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. That is my take anyway. :P

The Matrix Reloaded: One thing I have noticed is someone who loves The Matrix may not like the trilogy. To be honest, the first movie is the better movie, but I still enjoyed the trilogy for what it is worth. I do somewhat hate Revolutions, to be perfectly honest, I didn't care for the war with the machines. This was the main focus of the movie when it shouldn't have been. I wanted to know what was going on with the Matrix. I wanted to see more of the Matrix. However, the movie wasn't all that bad, I loved the confrontation between Neo and Smith outside the Matrix and loved the final fight scene... but that what bugs me about the movie. The movie should have been more about Neo, Smith and the Matrix, not the war. I don't mean to cut out the war entirely, just not spend most of the movie with it. Or better yet, at least make it interesting. Not only was it boring, but there were so many battle cliches as well. However, I liked Reloaded and don't see how it should be considered terrible along with Revolutions. I loved how it showed more of the Matrix, it showed how evolved Neo was, we discovered how big a threat Smith is, there was quite a bit of philosophy talk added and holy crap was that highway scene awesome!

Street Fighter: I have already explained this movie in my Top 10 Dumbest Things I Have Said blog. :P

Avatar: Honestly, I didn't know about this movie until it gained popularity and was already out. To be perfectly honest, it isn't my type of movie to begin with but I had to see it to fulfil my curiosity. The movie does have quite a lot of fans, but also has its fair share of haters but the reason why it is on the list is because from my perspective, the haters outweigh the fans. But to get one thing straight, I don't love this movie. To the lovers: it isn't that good of a movie. Apart from good 3D and amazing CGI, it is just your mediocre popcorn flick. The main character isn't interesting, the villain is generic and the story has already been done. To the haters: It wasn't THAT bad, yeah the story has been done to death but for what it is worth, it is still a pretty decent story. And the visuals were amazing. (I know I already said that but it was :P)