I think I mentioned this in another blog but I will remind you guys of what this video is. Pretty much, one of my achievements was to post in OT 10 times in a row. While doing this, I decided to record myself using Camstudio. Well here it is. This is the condensed version as there was around 30-40 minutes of raw footage. Most of it was just scrolling around or typing so I thought it would be boring if I posted the full footage. But here are just bits and pieces of this lost lets play.. I mean lets post video. Also sorry about the terrible quality. I had to convert the originally file into a different format as Movie Maker didn't like it. This usually doesn't happen to recordings processed by Camstudio, so it was strange why it didn't like this one.
Reason it was never uploaded: Where do I begin. :P I hate my voice, I mispronounce words, I don't make sense at times, the microphone picks up breathing (this in particular annoys the hell out of me).
Reason to watch it: The disappointment of what you all seem to think an Aussie accent is. :lol:
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