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My 2nd Union Idea

I thought of a pretty cool idea for a union and it is based off a subject I am quite fascinated with... Dreams. I always try to remember as many of my dreams as possible because... well they are just so amazing. I have trouble coming to terms that it was my mind that created this strange virtual world. I have considered keeping a dream journal many times but I have yet to actually start one. However the other day I had a better idea, what about a whole union dedicated to dreams? I would love to share my dreams and also read what other people dream about. It would also be fun to analyse dreams and find possible hidden meanings. The union doesn't have to centre around just sharing dreams either, we could go into lucid dreaming or if you want to be even more hardcore, OBE's/astral projection.

There are a few problems though. The first being that unions aren't as popular as they used to be. There are still a few unions going, but a lot have died out. Building a successful union nowadays is nearly impossible. The second problem is interest, whether or not people would be interested in a union like this. I am sure that there are a lot of people who would, but when it comes down to the amount of comments I get for each blog plus the amount of active bloggers that may give my blog a quick read every now and then, it seems like the odds aren't in my favour. The final problem comes down to actual contribution. It can be very easy to forget a dream and you can't share a dream you can't remember. Whether people want to share dreams is another thing, very often there are dreams that aren't worth sharing. Also many dreams are just too random that it is impossible to get any narrative from it. :P

Well there is my union idea, if there is enough interest in it I will definitely give it a go. If not, I guess I could still make a dream journal one of these day. :)

Take care! ;)