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Superironic Uncovered

This is another spirit of the moment blog (like my last one) where I share 5 things you may or may not know about me. Take note that this isn't even that personal and mainly just to do with my time in Gamespot :)

#1: The emblem for Sony's E3 Conference 2009 is a lie. initially, I didn't even get any of the emblems so I had to request my emblems in a GS thread at the time. When I did, I accidentally requested the Microsoft and Sony Conference emblems instead of the Microsoft and Nintendo Conference emblems. :oops:

#2: Even though I joined Gamespot on Jan 9, 2006, I didn't start becoming active until Feb 2007. During that year, I joined so I could post in the Gamefaqs forums instead of the Gamespot forums. In 2006, I had really slow internet and Gamespot would have been a pain to post in. In 2007 we upgraded and I started to post on Gamespot then. :)

#3: I have planted an Easter Egg in the Consoles Debate Union. It has been removed (by me), and as far as I can tell, it was never noticed in the time that it was active. However all evidence of it ever existed hasn't been completely wiped out. If you look closely, it can be seen in the CDU Tour Vid and can also be viewed in the post history if you are an officer. ;)

#4: I have had my alternative account for years. In fact we all know this account and consider him a great friend on GS. That's right, my alternative account really is... just kidding, had you going didn't I? :P I only just recently made this account and nobody knows who my alternative account is. :P

Real #4: With that said though, in the off-chance that you manage to cross paths with my alternative account, you will be able to tell as the first and only blog entry notifies that this is SI's alternative blog. ;) Actually, I don't think I have made that blog, well it will exist anyway :P

Edit: Yeah, it is now ;)

#5: I tend to 'thumb-up' comments whenever I see a poorly rated comment that I don't think deserved it. Whether it is on GS or Youtube, I have a habit of doing this and not entirely sure why as it really won't make much of a difference. :oops:

Thanks, I have been wanting to get this off my chest for awhile :D