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Superironic's FAQ

I thought I would do a FAQ blog, these are questions which are frequently asked by GS users, friends in real life, asked previously but haven't really answered it properly or just questions I thought may be interesting to answer for my fellow GS friends.

How did you come up with the Username Superironic?

Quite frankly, I am not sure either. However I will tell you where it originated, keep in mind that it is surprisingly not as interesting as you would think. Superironic was actually decided when I was creating my very first hotmail account. The thing is, I wanted to come up with a username that was unique enough that it didn't require numbers. I really didn't want my email having numbers in it. I don't know the exact thought process but I manage to come up with and it was unique, I had beaten the number suggestion. :D I also thought it was a pretty cool username and I have used it for everything I have joined up to. Every website I have joined (apart from Youtube) has allowed me to have Superironic without numbers hence being unique. :)

Why is your Gamertag Superironic91 as opposed to just the standard Superironic?

I thought I would just get this out of the way while still on the subject. :P There actually is a Superironic GT, I created it when I got Windows Live with the purchase of Gears (PC). The problem is when I made the account, it for some reason put my country as the US instead of Australia and there is no way to change it. So I had to create a second account. Why 91? Well Superironic91 is also my youtube account and I love continuity. :P Also 91 is the year I was born (yes, very unoriginal :P).

What is your name?

Phillip, but everyone just calls me Phil. 8)

Do you have a man crush on James Bond?

Timma and a few members of the CDU has always had their suspicions. :P However it does beg the question, how much of a fan am I of 007? Well I have seen all of the 007 movies and have all of them on VHS (some are proper copies but most were just recorded from the TV). I have yet to own the whole DVD collection though. One year I joined a book club for a 007 magazine released weekly, so I have a whole bunch of 007 magazines. I have also collected 007 trading cards to go along with it. I also have have the 007 soundtrack featuring all of the themes throughout the movies, on both cassette and CD. Oh and I also have a 007 avatar :P (despite having Craig in the avatar, he actually isn't my favourite bond, that would go to Moore). So to answer the question... maybe...
[spoiler] yes :P [/spoiler]

What is your belief/religion?

I think this is a question that does come up, but usually doesn't get asked as it is quite a subject individuals are passionate about. But I thought I would share as I don't think my reputation would deteriorate from knowing anyway. Well I am not really sure what I am but the closest and most accurate belief to describe mine would be Agnosticism. So I am Agnostic. What is an Agnostic? Well I will 'try' to explain it as briefly and simply as I can for those who don't know. :)

Atheist - There is no God
Theist - There is a God
Agnostic - There could be a God

In others words, I don't really know. I could do a whole blog about my belief and theories but I don't think anyone would really be interested. I also don't want to offend my GS friends. :)

What is your favourite console?

Having all three consoles, I have been asked by my friends what is my favourite console? Most of my friends want to hear me say the 360 because most of them are 360 fans, however the 360 is not my favourite console. I can't pick a favourite console and honestly love every one of my consoles. How could you hate a console? Yeah, each one has there advantages and disadvantages but each experience with them has been a positive one! In a way, I am a fanboy, but I am not defending one console. I will defend all three of them to the death. ;)

What is your favourite Bond film? -nymets819

Connery: Dr No (honorable mention: Goldfinger) - I loved the mystery element of this movie and just holds your attention throughout the whole film.
Moore: The Man with the Golden Gun (honerable mention: Live and let Die and Moonraker) - I loved the villain and I loved that stand off at the end.
Dalton: License to Kill - If you want to see a darker Bond movie, don't watch Quantum of Solace, watch this one. This movie was so good that it could have easily been a satisfying end movie to the series. I don't want to spoil anything (in case you haven't watched it (you probably have though) :P) but definitely one that should be checked out.
Brosnan: Goldeneye - This was the first Bond movie I have ever seen and liked the twist that was revealed in the middle of the movie, and the final confrontation.
Craig: Casino Royale - While I hated Quantum of Solace, I loved Casino Royale. It was a more grittier Bond film which I thought was necessary to evolve the Bond franchise. I loved the plot, I loved the poker game and IMO really delivered.

My all-time favourite Bond movie is License to Kill. While the other films I listed have more replay value over License to Kill, when I first watched this movie I was mind-blown at how epic it was.

I thought I would also elaborate on why I disliked Quantum of Solace. Firstly, it was a disappointment that this secret organisation didn't turn out to be SPECTRE. If it did, it would have been awesome for some of the hardcore fans such as myself. :P I also thought it had way too much action and not enough plot development. I didn't really like the Bond girl in this one, and also thought Craig's performance was lacking as well. The villains were really generic and considering the previous movies had some of the most unique villains presented in any movie I have seen, there is no excuse for this.

That is all the FAQ's I will answer for today. If you have a question, leave it in the comments and I will add it to the list. ;) Thanks for reading. :)