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Superironic's Top 10 Videogame Themes

#10: Mario Theme

Yeah, a cheap choice to start of the list. But seriously, I am sure this theme makes it to most of the lists anyway. Hardcore gamers know it, casual gamers know it, non-gamers know it, everyone knows it which is why I place it on the list

#9: Morrowind Theme

I must admit, if there is anything that sums up the game, it is that theme. All the time I spent, all the quests I have done, everything that has happened... this piece of music really hit the spot and demonstrates my emotion for this game.

#8: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Theme

This game has one of the best soundtracks in videogames. The main theme, however, is probably one of my favourite songs and that is including songs from radio, movies and videogames. Great game as well.

#7: Little Big Planet (Get it Together)

Although LBP doesn't really have a theme, and it's theme is still debatable today. The piece of music, constructed by 'The Go! Team' is what I consider the LBP and is really a unique song... just like LBP :)

#6: Infamous (Silent Melody)

This was played during the end credits, so not sure whether you could really count this as a theme. However this song really evokes the emotional side of the inFamous story, and fell in love with this song first time hearing it.

#5: Halo Theme

The Halo theme really hit the spot with this one. Not only is it an emotional song, but the song itself tells a story and really fits the Halo Universe.

#4: Castle Crashers Theme

This game is epic, the characters are epic and this theme is most definitely epic. Listening to this song really puts me in the mood to play this game, worth the Microsoft Points!

#3: Maximum Carnage Theme

I am a huge marvel fan, and a huge spidey fan, and a gamer of course. The reason I am a huge spiderman fan is because of this game, and if you are up to challenges, try completing this game, I still haven't. I am also a huge fan of this theme. :P

#2: Donkey Kong Country Theme

I could have easily filled this list with SNES titles... however if there is any theme that is from the SNES era that deserves a place on this list, it would be the DKC theme. It is the first thing you hear when you place the cartridge in the console, and tells you that this soundtrack will be epic. Heck, I could of filled this list with just music from the DKC series.

#1: Battlefield Theme

An obvious Superironic choice, but I just couldn't resist. Whether it is the 1942 version, or the Bad Company version, this theme sounds good in every BF game. Simple, epic and will be stuck in your head for months!


Hope you enjoyed the list :) Definitely worth a listen, really great tracks! ;)