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Superman3252 Blog

5 Video Game Thoughts from Thanksgiving Weekend

WELL I dont really blog so I thought I would give it a shot. Over this Thanksgiving weekend I had a few video game oberservations that showed me that my taste in games is changing as well as maybe other genres of games are getting better.

1.) Mortal Kombat vs. DC is a ridiculous amount of fun to pick up and play, although the single player aspect of the game is lacking substantially. The characters are just too much fun to play with, and the game is so even that any character used correctly could beat any other character, which makes it fun if you know what you are doing. Over all, the super moves are a little too powerful but they are stll a lot of fun. The game is just addicting thats all I can say, once you pick it up you will not be able to put it down. Speaking of addicting...

2.) Fallout 3 is, as my friends love to say, too legit to quit. Once you pick up that game you just want to constantly play and upgrade your character. Also, the whole new targeting system is just amazing, makes you want to make your character perfect so that you can just own enemies in the head constantly... That sounded dirty..

3.) Far Cry 2 is just intense. The game is huge, its like actually being in Africa searching around, it honestly makes you feel like you are a bad ass. I feel like james bond when I cruise around and do some of the sickest missions ever, including blowing up a train, and I get to be a lil' felon when I start wildfires with molotov cocktails. The game has EVERYTHING! haha

4.) I STILL can't get into World of Warcraft. It just doesn't do it for me, I like the social aspect of gaming and all, but I would much rather play Halo against someone who is in the same room as me then play with a bunch of people in cyberspace, I just like real friends too much... on that tangent...

5.) Wii Sports is overly cool. It just too much fun, and it even brings people who never play video games into it. Just fun and exciting haha. Wii bowling fights are just fun after you strike out to win a game and you friend does the exact same thing is stuck with 8 pins every time. 


Well see ya'll around


And I guess if anyone reads this I will be updating this again soon enough.

