PS3: Four Months Later
by Supermodified on Comments
During the initial PS3 madness, I had written an entry in my Gamespot Blog about not buying a PS3. Well, some four months later, and the world looks upsidedown. The market has corrected itself (yet again...) While shopping in BestBuy on Saturday morning (yesterday) for a copy of Supreme Commander, I stopped by the PS3, Xbox360, and Wii sections. No Wii's, stock of Xbox360's, and 15(!!!) PS3's. I emailed my friend about this, and he linked me to a Penny Aracade cartoon where one of the SCEA heads said he would put a $1,200 (or $1,600) bounty if anyone could find a PS3 on the shelves. I would have been a richer man yesterday. 15 times $1,200: you do the math. Would I like a PS3? Not sure, but probably yes. Will I pay $500/$600 for one? No. Will most people pay $500/$600 for one? Clearly, at of the end of February, 2007, the answer is "NO." I'm following this story (situation?) with interest because I am a "gamer" (*everyone who reads this wince here*), and I follow the markets as part of my living. I've been keeping track of SNE prices for the last several months. If the PS3 means salvation for Sony Electronics, I hope the Price of Salvation drops (i.e.: in the form of a PS3 price drop). The masses are speaking with their wallets, and they are saying that $500/$600 is too much. Only question I have left is, "When will the first price cut come?"
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