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Non-Buyer's Remorse over the PS3

I arrived at a BestBuy around 11:30a.m. on Thursday morning. There was one person in line outside, so I asked the security man what the deal was. He informed me that the police had been chasing campers away because of loitering laws in the township. But he then went on to inform me that the police had just informed the salespeople that they were not going to chase anymore would-be PS3 owners away, and people could start waiting in line for as long as they wanted to. As I left the store, there were only two people in line. A few more were inside who hadn't heard the news, and would probably be joining them soon. So there I was, leaving the store, and leaving the chance behind to be the 3rd person in line to get a coveted PS3. And I drove home. Looking at tonight, and seeing how much I might have sold the system for, I feel somewhat stupid. True, I had no intetion of buying the first wave of PS3's for myself. But right there, I could have made a decision which would have earned me over $1,000. Very mixed feelings right now. Not that $1,000 is going to make or break my holiday season. But it would have been nice to help buy my next computer with that money. Or to pay off about a year's worth of car insurance. You get the drift. Non-Buyer's remorse indeed...