The Sony PS3: Please Say Something Soon!
by Supermodified on Comments
Frustration is growing after conflicting reports of the PS3 costs and pricing recently came out over the past several days. Although there are enough issues to hash out here, there's only one that's important. When is it coming out, and what is the price-point? The Xbox360 has already been released and priced. Nintendo already has announced a fall debut, with a reasonable price range. But Sony: why is it so hard to come out with an official price range so industry insiders don't have to guess and through your stock price into chaos? If it's going to be over $499.99, just say it. If it's going to fall between $299.99 and $499.99, just say it. And a release date might be helpful. Spring? Seeing that we're half-way through winter, and March is 8 days away, a realistic launch date would be nice (if it is going to launch this year). I'm posting this as a reference point for myself. My prediction: the PS3 will be priced between $299.99 and $499.99. The release will also be in the summer or fall (somewhere between the end of August and the end of November 2006). If the price is over $500, Sony is gambling. If it breaks $600 (as some reports suggest), try selling that to anyone's parents who have kids under the age of 17. $600 can buy a lot of things more useful and valuable than a PS3 for a kid getting ready to go to college. Oh yeah, a Nintendo Revolution under $300 might reinforce the above...go figure.