Hard to believe that it's been over 3 years since my last update.
Anyway big news today, uh, Duke Nukem Forever has been taken over by Gearbox - the link should be on the front page of Gamespot.
As I've said in a comment on that story, that game will be in development hell for 14 years by the time it comes out in 2011. That's a long time. Now, think. This game started in 1997. Some of you guys weren't even born then. But what can be expected from this game? I mean, as Yahtzee said in his "review", and said by other gamers waiting for this game, for this long of a wait, can anything other than pure perfection be expected for such a long development time? I mean, we get some good and great games for 2, 3 year developmental times such as Mass Effect 2 and the like, and pap at very short times, such as the shovelware for movie based games. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, like Vice City's short time in development. It's just that there is a kind of...logic, if you can call it, at the back of our minds. Longer development times =better games.
And...then we look at Too Human. Oh I'm sure some of you liked it, but really, it didn't really impress anyone. And Prey, while being in development for a long time itself, was quite underwhelming and didn't really make an impression. It had some good things, but did it really come in with a bang like we see with Call of Duty games? Nobody really talks about it anymore. And those two games were in development for a while, Prey for a long time. Did we not expect great things from them?
It's just that this mindset of longer development = better games is engrained in our minds. And with good reason. If Infinity Ward actually took the time to beta Modern Warfare 2, we wouldn't have had, or had as many glitches in the multiplayer, we wouldn't have had such frustrating moments in the multiplayer when dealing with exploiters.
I just don't know what to think about DNF. I mean, yeah I had fun with Duke Nukem 3D, and it's offshoot Duke Nukem 64, but that was long ago. None of the other Duke games have caught my attention, or were that good in the first place. So what can we expect? We read in that article that 3D Realms wanted to make the game too great, which is why they went so behind. Then again, didn't Too Human and Prey go down those paths? What can we expect for this? THE longest game in development (that I know of at least), what should we expect? Perfection? Some people can't expect any less for the long time it's been in development.
But then we have to remind ourselves about the rest of the games we've played that we've closely followed with excitement and ultimately been disappointed by. This game, Forever, may just be underwhelming and forgotten within a few months after its release, which would be asad end to such a long process.
Unless they pull the impossible and make it get 10's across the board. It would be a nice cap to such a long, sad history.