For me at least :D
It has finaly happened: I have purchased a new TV. And not just any TV, no. I decided to go all out and buy me a set that ought to be way out of my pricerange in order to make sure that my most beloved hobby gets to marvel in the graphical splendour it deserves. Have a look yourself ;)
Honnestly, have you ever seen a game look that good, that sharp, that happy?
For those of you interested in the specs: It's a Samsung LE26(inch)R51B. Fully HD compatible, with a 500 candela luminance, 3000:1 contrast (basicaly it can go from white to black in 3000 shades of gray), some image enhancers, ... And the most important bit for gamers:
- 1 PC in (go revolution!)
- 1 S-video/AV port
- 2 scarts, of which one RGB scart
- 1 component in
- 1 antena port
- 1 HDMI in
For those of you thinking "Weren't LCD displays too slow for gaming?", well, you're both right and wrong. It is true that the crystals used in LCD monitors have an inherent delay, causing ghosting onscreen. With current gen high-end LCD TVs however, the delay is only so minimal that it is hardly noticable while gaming. This screens' delay is officialy 12 milliseconds, less then on image at 60Hz. It is noticable when starting an action (moving image) from doing nothing (completely still image), but only barely.
As to what this baby has cost me: 1199EUR, or for comparisions sake: the price of 20 fully priced games. It's a lot, but it sure doesn't stop me from smiling like a loon while playing my GC games at 60Hz through a component cable :)