Or in other words: creating a portfolio with a selection of your better designs.
I'm no fan of portfolio's really. There aren't any rules set in stone about what should be in them or what they should look like, but having graduated in a profession with rather artistic tendencies, people expect stuff. Naturally, graphical design is my middle name. Did you see the sarcasm dripping off there? I don't like lay-outing, and lay-outing doesn't like me. I create buildings for gods sake, not brochures. Still, expectancies have to be met, so here's a link to my on-line portfolio. As you can see, I'm no webwizard, but I make do with the limited skills I posess.
Anyhow, step 2 would be to contact a bunch of architects you'd like to work for, and once again, that's not my cup of tea. Not because I don't talk the talk, but because I'm quite insecure about my own qualities. Which is a great set of mind for someone who's supposed to pull a design out of his arse that'll most likely be too expensive for the client, perhaps not even an answer to all of his needs, but that I'll still try to sell to him because I'm an artist. So I sent out some mails a week ago, and responses have been trickling in. None of the places I really would like to work at replied at first, plummiting my self-esteem to new depths, but today 2 (2!) offices I'd really like to work at showed interest. if you could see me now I'd probably be light blooming more then fable on crack. :D All that's left for me to do now is create a more in-depth portfolio to print out and take with me when I go apply. Of course I've been procrastinating the whole thing for over a week now, leaving me with 2 short days to get the job done. Somethings just never chance.
On the gaming front things have been quiet for a long time, but I'm getting back into the groove with purchases of Paper Mario (VC), Pokémon Pearl and bargain bin treasures Pacpix and Advance Wars DS.
Life seems so rosey all of a sudden. Lets hope I manage to get the job I want... *crosses fingers*