I'd put in vinci, but I haven't received any grades yet. And yes, I'm well aware that the last part is French :P As sandlot pointed out, it's been 3 days since the presentation and I haven't resurfaced yet. Frankly, that's due to me sleeping most of the time. 2 hours during a 72 hour period just isn't enough.
So yeah, there I was, the wall behind me clad with A0 prints of my design lacking any form of layout or visual flair, the bench in front of me occupied by about 6 architects all eying the wall behind me, eager to tear my baby to shreds. Me, sweaty, exhausted, dressed in my finest gear, trying to look as self assure and architect-like as I could manage to.
The games begin... I set apart the larger picture, dodge a few questions, parry a remark. On to the actual project. I'm terribly aware of my own sweaty appearance. They remain uncomfortingly polite and gentle. Are they toying with me? I try to gauge their thoughts. I know my design is lacking... They ask some more questions. I answer them. They don't seem to understand. What material is it? Why did you place it in the landscape like that? Doesn't that create obscure area's? Do we really need that size of a building when the one we have offers nearly as much floorspace? One of my teachers steps in to clarify a few things...
And then it's over. I thank them for their time. I gaze past them to Eva, to see her reaction. Did I do ok? The bubble pops, the tension drops... 3 weeks of 20 hour days catch up with me.
I still don't know if I did ok. I won't know so till Friday. If I happen to have flunked there's always a new chance come Septembre. For now, I don't care. This might be my only trouble-free week of the whole summer and they won't be able to take that away from me.