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Why I firmly believe I have one of the best gamecollections out of anyone here

No, it's not because I'm one of those millionaires who own 2,000+games. No, it's not because I'm a multi-platform gamer. No, it's not because I only buy games who rank 9.5+ at gamerankings and GS...

It's because I have a very well balanced collection. With over 30 current-gen games you'll be hard pressed to find more then 2 pair of similar games. Racers, platformers, shooters, adventurers, games that make you want to throw your controller at something, games that soothen the nerves, ... For every occasion, for every mood I'm in, there will always be a game I feel like playing.
I hear a lot of you multi-console owners thinking: "But why only own one good game in a genre? Don't you feel like you're missing out?". Well I don't. While that specific game in my collection might not be thé best game in its genre, it's still darn good and not owning a better game in the genre ensures that even after 2 years of owning it, it could still very well be taken out to be played, since it hasn't had to bow down to a superior version. How's that for value eh?

Anyway, I could go on and on about why I think my relatively small collection owns all those much bigger ones, but all arguments I could bring up would most likely only make sence to me, as is ussualy the case. Fact is, I'm as happy as a gamer as any of you out there, and chances are I've spent way less hard-earned cash on my hobby then you did.