@starjay009: Button Mashing? That'll get you killed very quickly lol. I've been playing the Beta for 2 days right now and the fighting system is MUCH deeper than it first appears
@thomasn7: I am very worried about this too. The combat and exploration looks excellent, but it also really looks like "Dragon Age Inquisition IN SPACE", and DA:I was simply very grindy, had lots of mindless busywork and neither the story nor most of the characters were very interesting. I really hope they don't skimp on story or good characters for sake of gameplay
@johnrayjr: If they had kept to the same style, sure. Things got a little stale after GoW3. That's why I'm happy with the change, it looks a lot more fresh now
@bonzaibillie_99: Why? What's the big difference? Is kickboxing savagery? Is judo savagery? Is wrestling savagery? In both boxing and MMA it is the intention to hurt the other, in both boxing and mma people bleed, get bruised and knocked out. There is no meaningful difference.
@bonzaibillie_99: Calling MMA "Visceral Savagery" compared to boxing is hilariously hypocritical. They're both combat sports, where each is trying to finish the other. MMA just has more ways to do it.
Supreme_Bananas' comments