@001011000101101: They destroyed any hope for me in that i can't have/find/create the interceptor. I don't want another car. This magna opus thing.
Sw1tched's forum posts
Awesome ... well since i got no help or support, i will let you know that i fixed it myself.
1. Uninstall FLash for clean install....
2. Then google for flash 11.2!!! not 11.3 or 11.4. Adobe flash is jacked. Gamespot works perfect now, also youtube in 1080p
I have been on gamspot for about 10 years ... No issues. That entire time i was on cox isp. I just changed to the superfast Verizon Fios package 50down 25up and videos no longer buffer hardly at all in 720P
got a great quad core machine
great videocard
fast connection
windows 7
all plugins and browers up to do.
it does thisin chrome and firefox??????
what do i do???
Hi jody,
Keep getting this error. Doesn't matter which of the 3 browsers i use. Chrome, firefox or IE. If i reset my password it logs me in ... if i logout thats it until i change it again! i am on like password 3. been a gamspot member for like 10 years.
Windos 7 64bit
newest firefox and chrome....
also when i try to log in and confirm i am human ... the image with the words to type isn't not shown!
User Login - CAPTCHA Required
There have been multiple unsuccessful login attempts from your current IP address or against the account you are attempting to log in to. In order to prove you are a human, please log in again and enter the text below as requested:
I was looking at the FUSE acheivements beta thing, and was wondering what it does with your account? i have been on here for 9 years, kinda worried to do some hybrid thing.
Will it change anything?
Does it look different?
Can i undo it if it does?
and the other question, does it for for PS3 trophies?
its not a minor disturbance when it's WHAT i pay $40 a year for, which is to manage the games i am waiting on so i can keep track.Just noticed the issue myself now, but they are aware of the issue now ok?
Seems to me like this minor disturbance is making all of your lifes miserable, well in that case might I suggest taking some sleeping pills, sleep for a week and than check back to see if it's fixed.
Patience lads, they ARE aware - it WILL be fixed, eventually.
I am having the same problem, can't delete games, get white screen
Ok, i am back online....
as it turns out i typed the email incorrect in my account profile area.
2 questions
1. where can i find info on the special edition drums? that were in game informer......how much, picture? details?
2. will original rockband gear now work with RB 2 and Guitar hero On Tour? or do i need the new drums?
so can i buy just both games and have them all work with my RB1 gear?
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