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SweetMissJaye Blog

Heat wave!

This is the third day in a row of 90 degree ++ weather. Right now, it's 94 degrees out. Ugh! This is what I hate about summer.

Not a whole lotta news

I'm waiting for my hubby to come home. I'm going to go visit my parents and gorgeous adorable niece for a little while. I am so looking forward to the lake tomorrow to celebrate Jordan's birthday. Jordan was so cute today. I hung out with Madelene while she picked up some last minute party stuff and Jordan looks like such a big little boy, even though he's only one lol

Unforseen pregnancy symptom: itchies and scratchies. My body just keeps having the oddest creep crawly feeling. Looked it up. Totally normal while your pregnant. Ugh!

Another cool day

Yesterday, once it started raining it just didn't stop. It poured off and on all day and well into the night. I think the sound of the rain lulled me to sleep. Today is another cool, cloudy day and the breeze coming into the living room feels so lovely.

Teen Wolf was awesome. I love that show so much. I hope it stays consistent.

Started raining

After I wrote my blog earlier, it immediately began to rain. Still, it feels so cool and pleasant that I don't even mind the rain!

Can't wait to watch Teen Wolf with my hubby tonight

A nice cool day

It's a lovely cool day. I'm actually wrapped in a blanket. My baby is moving and having fun in my belly. I'm in such a good mood right now. I think I'll have a nap :)

33 weeks

I'm thirty three weeks pregnant now and there is still so much left to do. I have to get the baby's room together and buy lots of stuff. I also have to get ready for my baby shower, which I am hosting myself.

Stupid smoke detector

I'm boiling ziti and somehow that is causing the smoke detector to go off. I have never heard of something so stupid. How can it really be that sensitive?!?!??!!!

My birthday's over

I had such a crappy birthday so why am I sad that it's over? I guess I was hoping something good still might come during the day but it never did. It's GONE. What a boring, crappy birthday. My hubby worked so we couldn't do anything. It rained ALL DAY. Not even exxaggerating. I was hoping my mother would make one of my favorite meals but no such luck.

On the good side, I'm just a brat complaining. My birthdays always suck. This year, I celebrated with my unborn baby who has been doing a jig in my belly off and on all day. She's still swimming around in there right now :)