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Sweetdreams27 Blog

not banned anymore! and my movie theatre adventure! lol

so first of all im not banned anymore yay!, i know you guys didnt miss me, i bet you guys didnt even know i was gone but its ok :cry: now i need to catch up with everything i missed

 allright so today i went to the movie theatres and it was so fun, the movie was so good, i went to see the freedom writers. when we were seeing the movie, there was this part in the movie that the teacher said i would even go to your house for you could finish your hw, something like that and my teacher said "yeah, thats how you do it" and we were like oh we know you would do that. then this woman in the back, started saying shut the f*** up, so one girl from my class said who said that, i will smack you silly, so the lady said oh come smack me b**** and then thats when we quiet down.

my friend next to me wanted to go to the bathroom too in the middle of the movie, and she has to go so badly, we were like she should go by herself but she said do you know how many rapes are there in the bathroom and im like "shh" so then she text messages my other friend to go with her and her cellphone was so loud, they were just using their cellphones and the light was so bright and our class was making so much noise, and they were even throwing popcorn at eachother you had to see the mess at the end. im telling you one girl in my class even got up to dance in the aisle, it was funny though.

freedom writers movie

well freedom writers looks like a good movie according to the trailer. im gonna see it next week with my teacher is like a field trip with like 10 other kids and its after school cause we didnt get permission from the principal to go during school hours.  link to trailer is here if you wanna see it.

poor boy!

well this boy tried to imitate saddam hussein's hanging because he thought it was a game and he killed himself :cry: i blame the guy that recorded it in his cellphone's camera, damn him!

i wrote this in my other blog with another story of an adventure in my life but mostly no one read it :cry: does anyone even read my blog! huh anyone!

no math hw, this is why (READ)

well today we had math for 2 periods and she ALWAYS gives us hw so today we noticed she forgot to give us hw, so we were so happy. then one of these boys in the class, ASKS her if we have hw and then she says oh snap i didnt give you hw and then we ran, you know what is RAN, we ranand it was 4 other kids with us, she started chasing us but we managed to get out of the building HOMEWORK FREE! :lol: it was funny. but i now have Social studies hw and still havent started it.

oh and last night i went to sleep at 1 in the morning cause i took a nap earlier that day so i wasnt tired so then when i was trying to sleep my father and grandma were snoring and it was like they were having a competition, one snored, then the other one louder, the other one more louder, then it was when my father won with the loudest snoring ever :lol:  

omg this kid was trying to imitate the saddam hussein hanging because he thought it was a game, he was like what 8 years old and he killed himself, its so sad, i knew it they should have never showed it but i blame that guy that grabbed it in his cellphone, damn him :cry: so sad.

im in the mock trial!

well first of all the mock trial is a competition between all middle schools only the eight graders and we need to solve a case, it depends on who demostrates the best evidence and blah blah blah. we going to be even in a real courtroom and we need to dress professionally! this is a real good start in my career since i want to be a lawyer whn i grow up. well theres this school that we are enemies with and they have all these gangs they are close to my school so they beat us last year so we need to win this year!its going to be so cool. and i get to leave early out of class. i really hope we win!

now i wanna know what does XD mean :P

i got a question for ya'll

well is not a hw question if you're suspecting that: its just something i had in mind. my brother answered it but i wanna know what you guys will say

well lets say i move to the other side of the world where the time is 5 hours earlier, so when is 10 over here is 5 over there. my regular time i go to sleep is at 10 (not really) so when is 5 over there will i be sleepy?

nice question right, i make the best questions up :lol: i hope the way i wrote its not confusing.

oh and what does EDIT mean :P i already asked that question in someones blog but too lazy to look for it :D

go back to school tommorow! noooo

well tommorow i go back to school, i just finished all my homework. today stops going to sleep late, staying up late seeing CSI:miami! you guys are lucky that goes back the 8th or 29th. i got a citywide test for ELA  in 2 weeks, so we gonna be practicing, practicing, and practicing. now we going to get alot of packets so maybe i wont be on all the time. BYE!!! again, happy new year.

this is what happened in times square, never even got to see the ball drop

well we went to manhattan first to eat in a restaurant, but when we're almost there my father sees an old friend that lives around there so we go visit, it brings back good memories, i use to go to the park there that had a pool, yeah good times, good times. well then when we got there we say hi and stuff when my father starts talking straight for a full hour. so we get out of there at 4, we couldnt go to the restaurant cause they dont let you in to see the ball after 6 so we go get the train. oh that was so funny because my grandma is scared of trains so shes holding to the pole so tight. well when we get to times square the front part is full so we got to go to 52nd street to see if it's not full we go and its also full or something, it was cold outside so we got tired of walking and we decided to go back and eat at the restaurant. to get to the train it was A LONG walk, past central park, good memories there too cause i did a running marathon there in 5th grade. well then we took the train to the restaurant and we ate, when we got out and took the bus we decided to play a prank on my grandma so we decided to stay a earlier stop before, since she doesnt know how to get somewhere. so we in the back of the bus and shes in the front. our plan was to get out through the back when shes not looking and a lady was sitting next to her so she had to get past her to get when the stop comes we leave the bus rushing. good thing my father changes his mind and leaves the door open for her because if he didnt god knows where she would have stopped. we're so mean :twisted: but it was to teach her how to get somewhere by herself.

wow this was long, sorry for the mistakes


 i go back to school tommorow :evil: darn you all that goes back to school on january 8th and 24th.