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Random Thought for today

Lately I find myself sitting at work scrolling through GS and Raptr. I actually have a lot to do at work but my A.D.D. kicks in and my fingers start typing It's crazy. I start reading post, reviews, and blogs of other people knowing I should be working. I get myself all siked up for when I go home. I usually have the evening all planned. Take my son to his football practice, then when we get home, make dinner, take a shower, pour me a drink, then go downstairs and play my Wii. Yesterday I had plans toplay World of Warcraft on my PC. But when got home just the opposite happens. Made dinner, took a shower,then sat on the couch. Next thing I knew it was 2am. it the depression that makes me so tired or is it just that I'm getting old? I was all geared up to playing my games just to in turn fall asleep. All last year and up to around July(dreadful July), I was able to stay up till 4 in the morning. And this even includes the weekends.'s a wrap!:x But I still wake up in the middle of the night for about 15 minutes. It's crazy!!!