Talk on the phone with my ex all night while playing WoW and laughing about any and everythingall night.
Sweetgames30's forum posts
Yes I've fallin in love. Just got my heart broken in July then before that in November. Love is just not in my corner!
I have a 2009 Ford Escape. I don't know how much horsepower it has. I love it for the Microsoft Snyc feature!!!
I used facebook to talk to friend but he's not talking to me anymore so I use Gamespot. More interesting then reading about where someone went to lunch at.
If your talking about the new, I thought it was alright.I give it a 7 out of 10 but if you can wait, waitfor it to come on cable.
Finishing up Contra Re-birth (that I downloaded from WiiWare) which is a pretty quick game. And alsofinishing up Super Mario Galaxy so I can start Super Mario Galaxy 2.(Gotta play them in order)I keep coming back to Zelda Twilight Princess because I just can't seem to catch a fish. It's heartbreaking and frustrating because I want to get into the game so bad.
When I was younger, my thoughts were to be married first. But since I got married first and I'm now divorced my thoughts are a little different. When you live with someone, you actually see more of their flaws whichforces you to either accept it or kick them to the curve.And it's not as expensive as adivorce. Your not locked in for life because you made a bad decision. If you can accept that person and all their flaws then possible when you get married it will work.
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