Swindells' forum posts
Moderators seem to be easily offended these days. considering this site is for people who play games that contain content that would make most people throw up, let alone beoffended bya few cuss words.
Go on, say it. everyone on the internet has an opinion, clearly yours is more important so lets hear it.
Why do restaurants and thousands of other establishments give away things for free? To keep customers coming back. Achievement points arent even free, you need to buy games to get them.... for MS, its far fetched, but not nearly as pointless as you make it seem.[QUOTE="sammyt555"]
i dont get what people dont understand about a corporation like microsoft. Their goal is to MAKE MONEY! why would they introduce a feature that gives us stuff for free? Witchsight
True, it would make Xbox more attractive over PS3 if you could earn points just by playing games,I don't see why they don't. I have about 12,000 gamer points at the moment,that took me ages to get, what if that amount of points allowed me a $12 discount, granted that would pay for some DLC'S entirely, but it took me over a year to earn those points, surely you would buy a lot more then that during the year. then again... It's microsoft, if we held our breath for a 2 cent discount we'd all suffocate.
Just bought my copy of Red dead Redemption pre-order for $69.00 Yeeeeeehaw.
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