Lets just make this perfectly clear. Online gaming is NOT interesting, diverse, nor replayable for that matter.
Rather, multiplayer is a lame fucking excuse invented to cash in off of dumb console imbeciles who think that a great game is a repetitive run-n-gun retarded shitfest.
The real culprit for this event was not guns, games, or communism. It was violet music. Just look at how they do not sing about flowers, ponies, and cute little children , like all normal people do. Yeah, Marlyn Manson was definitely responsible.
Why not? Xbox live is a genius business concept meant to exploit a demographic that is as wealthy as it is dumb. A demographic that does not understand the concept of money, and manages to outspend it's own government. Of course, I am talking about the American public.
If micro doesn't do it, somebody else will. So frankly, who gives a ****.
Syk0_k03r's comments