The lowered D-pad is a nice change, in my opinion, but the rest of the DSi's differences from the Lite are utterly pointless. Sorry, Nintendo--epic fail.
There really isn't all that much difference between the original PSP and the Slim, is there? There's nowhere near the change in size that there was between the original DS and the DS Lite, and the load time change isn't all that spectacular either. The video output is nice, however. The only thing that has me convinced to buy this is the Daxter bundle pack.
Looks pretty good to me. I'm not sure if I like the new UMD loading tray, and yes, I'd appreciate another analog stick, but it still looks good, or at least better than the old one. I'm definitely buying the Daxter bundle pack (I don't own a PSP at the moment).
This definitely is a worthwhile improvement. I'm not ready to give up on my solid opinion of DS superiority yet, but this is a very large step in the right direction. I am now convinced that a PSP will be an excellent choice of purchase (especially considering the Daxter Entertainment Pack).
Cool; I forgot about a few of those games. Now all I need is a PSP so I can play Daxter and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters...but the DS is still superior. Sorry, Sony!
Gotta catch 'em all! I'm looking forward to the NDS Browser and Rune Factory too, but Pokemon was, is, and will continue to be one of the best series of all time.
Syluvan's comments