Orwellian witch hunt and Wikileaks,... with Anon
by SyndaciteX on Comments
Since I have no really outlet to describe my outrage over the current situation dealing with the wikileaks found Jullian Assage, I feel that I should vent on here. Today in London Jullian Assage was arrested by British Police, bail was posted at $160,000 and $320,000. Jullian is under investigation for crimes in Sweden that are sexual in nature. However I find that this manhunt to be very odd in the fact that it wasn't until the first release of US Military documents that interpol and other interanational organizations really started to track him in ernest. The fact that a website that has been made to provide a place for anonymous whistle blowers to post their finding and also to make so called democracies more transparent a great idea. Now that there is an international effort to close down such a thing is an outrage and anyone who believes in freedom of speech and democracy in general should be outraged. A democracy with out transparency isn't a democracy at all its just a clever ruse pulled over the eyes of all its citizens. Now I am not trying to defend Jullian at all, if he is guilty then by all means he should be brought to justice. However the way the media is protraying him as a terrorist and thus a threat is uncalled for. The way many of these countries are trying to stop him is the same financial warfare that was used on Osama Bin Laden. They are trying to touble an organization that didn't break any laws by taking down the figure head of a leader. This is assuming that Wikileaks is so miss managed that taking out one person will shut down the entire organization. The oddest thing is that while we as American thing with are fighting a just war, there is no hiding that war in and of itself is as a tradgic affair, while we are not innocent and have blood on our hands the documents showed in amazing detail our promises and actions which are in line with one another. Thus there really wasn't much to hide. The bottom line is that the effort to stop a legally founded whistle blowing organization has thus shown our government to be very orwellian in its nature. It is for this very fact that would should all be ashamed of being American (EDIT): I wrote this blog about 3 days ago right as Jillian Assage was arrested, since then a group of hackivitists, AKA **** has been going after credit card companies for stopping Wikileaks from receiving any donations. This financial warfare on a legal organization is furthering my point. Thank you Anon. While I don't have the knowledge to help with out putting myself in the line of fire, know that you and wikileaks have supporters. This raises another odd point, I am now afraid in speaking my mind in ernest in fear of the government bothering me more. This has gotten out of hand.
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