@Evenglare: Normally people get better in these games when they sink more time into it. Sure, it doesn't apply to everyone because certain people never learn from their mistakes. But for people of reasonable intelligence, higher level = more time played = more proficient at the game. Practice makes perfect, and practice takes time, the level is an indicator of the level of practice an individual has.
What's truly sad is seeing fellow nerds getting all judgmental and speculate a person's life (to the extend of what his girlfriend looks like) based on a launch week binge.
It's only 13 hours a day. What's the big deal. He could be on vacation, and instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars (or many many hours on the road) on a trip, he chose to stay home and do what he likes to do at the cost of a case of Redbull.
Assuming average sleep time of 6 hours (some can make do with less), that's still 5 hours of other activities, 1 hour of exercise, 2 hours to watch a movie with SO, 5 min - 1 hour of sex. 1 hr is more than enough for a day's eat/shit/piss.
It's not too late to start being a better person with less jealousy and bitterness.
@max-hit this is very sad but true. Gamers that like to read are dwindling in this cut-scene/voice acting era. It's their loss. The power of words and imagination is stronger than any other media form. That has been proven countlessly whenever a book-based movie hits the big screen.
SypherCyath's comments