You absolutely should not miss it!!! Play it as a stelth or as a shhoter do what you will but just don't miss it!!! A true classic and even the long cutscenes make sense!!!How does it stand up visually and in terms of game play?
I'm particularly interested in playing it as a stealth game, rather than a shooter too.
Syriamn's forum posts
I have been a big nintendo fan for years because of the playability of their games but there was one thing I read today that really annoyed me.
Reggie was having this big talk about how profitable the Wii u will be. he mentionned that once anyone buy a game with the system the profit will start rolling in etc..
I mean, back in the days I cannot recall nintendo talking profit on their system just a few days after a system was released. instead the word around would be the big wow factor of their latest games. And now since the Wii was out it feels like we are getting consoles that are just the cheapest deal they could get in order for them to make money from day one. I mean how greedy is that!!?
so yes of course they have thrown a little new technologie in the Wiiu as a minimum so that you don't feel totally ripped of, but in fact the wiiu is just a another cheap piece of underpowered hardware wth a few technologie twist and a lot bugs and problems to be adressed.
So if you ask me Is Wii u the right choice for nintendo? well surely since their goal is making lots of money on people back that are buying their promesses and they succeed.
Personnaly I am dissapointed with the Wii u (and I think the Wii name had to go) why? because its just more of the same. the same concept and gimmick idea that was behind the Wii. So yes its all about exploring new horizon and new ways of playing but the problem is that none of these new ways of playing are ever properly explored and you just end up waiting fo the big hit game that will use the fantastic new way of playing, but It never arrives! and the only thing you do after buying the system is hope that something will come along. (it never did in 5 years of Wii)
So, I kind of have enough of their blue ocean philosophy the big reggie and iwata speeches, the non gamers crowd, the freaking Miis (that are the worst thing ever created) and all the rest. thats not the Nintendo I used to know.
In general i agree with your opinion. The fact that Nintendo launches in the market a cheap product that follows a good concept (wii) but doesn't deliver what would be expected. Well in termos of profiting let's not forget that bthis is an industry like any other and the main goal is the maximum profit with the least costs to the shareholders but that does not mean that they can't make a good product and what i want to say is that Wii U is NOT that product. Oh totally with you with those annoying and horrible Mii's...
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