@XxTheEvilxX @SystemsGO Your discontent obviously goes farther than the game it's self. Judging from your comments the community hurt your feelings at some point. I'm sorry you suck at the game and found the community to be offensive. It will be okay, Johnny.
@XxTheEvilxX @SystemsGO Oh, how witty of you. I'm sure you feel vindicated having "pwned" a child on the Internet, huh?
Hate to break your stride, and invalidate your thoughts about me being a child. I'm 23, married, have a child of my own and a college education. Not sure if your response was even a plausible retort, or just some generic defense mechanism, that you thought made you seem remotely cool to anyone here.
@SirSlimyScrotum @SystemsGO It's a relatively worn out opinion. If people knowingly dislike the franchise why continually seek out videos of said hated franchise and then cry about on the thread. Oh wait, it's called "trolling, you stupid shit"
I think how all of the same haters who hated on the BLOPS 2 reveal are hating on this. Yet they were interested enough to watch the video, but had to publicly state it looked stupid so they could be accepted with their friendz who also say they hate the game. They'll all buy it, as usual.
I think it looks like it will be one of the best Call of Duty games of all time. They've added some much needed environmental changes.(looks a lot different if you paid attention). But, as usual the hatred of Call of Duty is more popular now days than enjoying it. Although most haters secretly have it added on their STEAM accounts. LULZ
Tom is quite simply just the biggest moron I have ever seen receive the opportunity to be an interviewer. I mean, this guy doesn't want our experience with a video game to be "fun". He wants it to be as monotonous and boring as possible. He wants to portray actual "realism", I suppose someone needs to jump out of the screen and shoot his boyish face for him to be satisfied. Either way, I found it funny the way his voice was trembling during the entire interview, and I also found it funny the way he kept hammering at the same redundant points over and over again. He definitely made himself look like a preteen boy wearing a dress.
SystemsGO's comments